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Everything posted by RoninFrog

  1. Maybe next time you should bring MOAR BOOSTERS!!
  2. Nope. @RoninFrog, coming right up! Haha, I win! Blast, replies getting merged? Come on!
  3. Bull weevils infest potato crops. The forgotten space potato (Dres) is eaten alive.
  4. But does seeing this by clicking "next unread topic" and not "don't click this" count?
  5. Those solar panels don't look very efficient at the moment.
  6. True for career (especially if said engines cost gobs of kerbucks), but for people who spend most of the time in sandbox, it would really limit spacecraft designs and flights.
  7. In the developer story video, the devs said, "KSP 1 is the exploration of our nascent space program up to modern day, and KSP 2 explores the nearish future of what this could be." This is dangerous territory, speculating about the future. I like the current challenge of designing and testing lifters and rockets to develop something powerful and useful. If all you have to do to create a powerful craft is to is slap an Orion drive or some other overpowered engine on, it will kill the game. Also, if we are able to launch from other planets and moons, it will be a real blocker. Kerbin is the second hardest planet to get to orbit from. It makes no sense to launch anything from there if you can build a microlifter to put a large payload interplanetary from Gilly. I hope the devs don't get too carried away in their addition of near future technology.
  8. I would much rather the devs implement new things in KSP or work on KSP 2.
  9. Banned for making people go click on it.
  10. Ah yees, looks like you need some samurai frog crew. Sign me up.
  11. I never EVER reuse anything unless it is a rover, has all the equipment for mining, runs on xenon, or has a MPL. I have never fulfilled a contract with a plane; I always use a rocket.
  12. 1. Never built a spaceplane SSTO or even used the RAPIER engine (I have built rocket SSTOs though) 2. Never visited Jool 3. Never used the claw 4. Never downloaded a mod for new parts, physics, or autopilot
  13. Ah yees, it is a frog with samurai gear riding a giant bull weevil.
  14. Froggy pokes Hanson's space suit suit. Now Hanson sparsely occupies a much larger area.
  15. I have noticed this too, the most common ones I have found are the kerbal headlamp texture and engine exhaust texture appearing when loading/recovering a vessel.
  16. Ah yes, but then I revert to VAB and add more struts. My hill.
  17. [Doesn't read post and watches video with volume off] What's with all the random lights exploding? Dees is garbaj!
  18. Actually it is the LOTR Nazgul ring chant to the tune of "We are gonna be friends". Dunno how that happened.
  19. Who is Lucida Sans? Tubm has Coronavirus.
  20. I feed the hill to the Kraken. Nobody's hill. GAME OVER
  21. Wait what?!? You mean the Space Program doesn't have total Kerbin dominance??
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