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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. You can probably find an updated version by searching "ksp [mod name] continued" AFAIK bdarmory has been dropped an continued many times.
  2. CTV-15 lifting off CTV-15 completing course corrections CTV-15 performing Munar deceleration burn CTV-15 discarding its transfer stage CTV-15 in Mun orbit CTV-15 in Mun orbit CTV-15 performing Munar escape burn CTV-15 performing Munar escape burn CTV-15 cruising back to Kerbin
  3. Muggy, like usual. It looks like it's going to rain, but it always looks like that but never rains, so I'm betting it'll clear soon. Heyyyyyy
  4. CTV-15: A New Beginning After the launch of the X-5, KASA paused all activities for 5 years. They had just simply run out of money and support from Kongress. See actual reason in the spoiler at the very bottom. However, after a long hiatus, a new plan was developed. KASA would build a Stations around the Mun and Minmus, and have landers on them. They would use a new, stretched CTV to reach the stations, similar to the M missions. So, after some sluggishness, KASA finally kicked back into action. CTV-15, a stretched CTV mounted on a SLV+, or a CTV+, rolled out to pad LC 39B. CTV-15, the first flight of the CTV+, successfully completed all its mission goals with only a minor problem, a glitch with the staging computer. Jeb, Bob, and Bill safely splashed down in the middle of the ocean. After being asked why he still didn't care about the 15 gees experienced during reentry, Jeb responded with "Eh, I'm still alive. I bet Valentina can't do that." Bill and Bob declined to respond.
  5. 2 hours ?! I just finished mowing the lawn. @Lewie I haven't seen you around in a while.
  6. CTV+ lifting off from pad LC 39B X-5 taking off from KSC X-5 approaching orbit
  7. Let's sing Old Macdonald! Old Macdonald had a farm, eeeiiieiieieoiefherufhirg w *screams*
  8. So, with 1.10 we received a lot of new stuff. Most of them good, like decals and the magnetometer boom. Well, I think an important thing to add to the game would be stock footprints. For example, they could work like the Kopernicus Expansion Footprints mod. Stock footprints would: Add to the visual experience Give new players a memory of their first Mun/Minmus landing Let players reenact the first steps on the Moon/Mun Help Cinematics Again, visuals
  9. Wow! This is so good! Definitely better than Interstellar . I wonder if @KSK's First Flight will get adapted?
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