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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. I have 2 sandbox saves, one that I test on and one that I play on. I have yet to start playing Career or Science mode, but I just don't like it. I hate restrictions, and also because the tech tree is messed up.
  2. So the Kerbals contacted North Kerbin Dynamics.
  3. Sounds good. Will you be working on the companion for NF, as the NFLV update brought a lot of stuff.
  4. Sorry for necroing this thread, but I really really want to know if it's still alive. The pictures already make me drool. @Heirloom
  5. Minmus 1, M1, and M2: Mun Landing! After the Muna 2 and 3 probes, A probe was sent to Minmus. Everything went well, except for the fact that i cleared my screenshot folder before posting the mission there was a camera malfunction. Shortly after, M1 was launched. Sadly, I accidentally pressed the space bar 4 times, staging all the engines, and everything was full throttle there was a malfunction with the staging computer, and M1 had to abort. However, a new one was quickly rolled out, and Valentina happily agreed to launch again. Muna 1, with Valentina, Lizkin, and Nelson Kerman made it safely back to Kerbin, with just 32 m/s of delta-v to spare. Now Valentina finally has something to tease Jeb with. Note: If there's so many pictures just for a Mun mission, how many pictures do you think a Duna mission would be? Note 2: I finally got around to updating the launch list in OP.
  6. Why don't you try firing the radial boosters? It depends on how much of them you have and what type they are. As far as I know, 2 twitches + a terrier should be enough. Or, a why don't you try firing all the engines, and then when you're close to the surface, if it's not enough to slow down, then bail Val out. She'll bail out at a slower speed. Kerbals can usually survive impacts up to 30m/s, so if you try this option, you should be fine.
  7. but the neumans regurgitated the cow, and their radioactive spit covered the cow, and the cow evolved into nuclear-cow!
  8. ... a massive, robotic cow, 100 meters high.
  9. I mean, I'm not a mod maker myself, but as far as I know, you'll have to learn some code, unless you already have experience with it. A Realism Overhaul-like mod is probably not the place to start, for 2 reasons: 1. It involves (to my knowledge) complicated code that rearranges parts and changes a ton of stuff, so you'll have to learn about the inner workings about KSP. 2. It's already been made. There's no real need for a clone of Realism Overhaul, as it's well made and well maintained. If you want to make mods, maybe start with a simple mod, or write some Module Manager patches for the community. You'll get yourself known, and you'll learn more about modding in the process.
  10. Is a 1.875m capsule and/or lander can planned?
  11. I'm currently running KSP 1.7.0 on my mac, and it works fine with most new mods. Generally, versions that are compatible with 1.6.1 and up should be fine, but if they contain fancy things such as depth masks (added in 1.8), you'll have to delete them. But overall, most mods should work fine with 1.7. A word of warning though: never use a newer version of scatterer for an older version of KSP. Bad things will happen.
  12. I have a sorta weird naming scheme. For example, most things i have a "model". My main crew launch vehicle is called the CTV, or Crew Transfer Vehicle. Missions are just CTV-#. Probes are basically the same. It's the name of the probe plus the designation. Planes, however, are different. I have 4 different types of plane classifications: F, for fighter, X, for experimental, S, for shuttle, and M, for miscellaneous. So a type of fighter jet might be classified as F-1. However, slight variations of the design have decimals. For example, if I added a few drop tanks, the new version would be F-1.2. Same goes for other plane types. For Rovers, it would be something like G1.
  13. Here's the thing. I have a macbook, and macbooks are usually average-ish computers. And then if I start playing KSP, and I have my laptop on my lap, my thighs will be seared. KSP really takes its performance toll. If I try to run it on my windows potato, then well, the whole computer crashes within a minute of opening the game, and it has 32 GB of RAM. And even my potato computer is better than most smartphones. And there's also the graphics. Smartphone "graphics" cards, as you could call it, are nowhere nearly as powerful as a computer's graphic's cards. Also, another question: how would you get mods? How would you build something with an absolutely tiny screen? And how are you going to control everything? Action Groups? Staging? And even if it does get put into consideration, there's really only a small amount of people who want that, and it really complicates things, so they probably won't do it. Hope that gives you a wider perspective of things.
  14. These mods (most of them) are all up to date, either 1.8 or 1.9. I'm just using older versions, that's all.
  15. If you really want an enhanced game experience, I have a list: Scatterer, EVE, SVE, SVT, Kopernicus Expansion EVA Footprints, Restock, Restock+, All of Nertea's mods (Near Future, Kerbal Atomics, Cryo Engines, Mk4 Spaceplane, SSPXR), Astrogator, KSC Extended, and all of the dependencies. These are all in this game, I think.
  16. Muna-2 & Muna-3: MUN! The VAB had finally outdone the SPH! Not only had Muna-2 orbited the mun, it had also landed on it. Muna-3 was also an astounding success. It was the first launch at dawn, and it has the best screenshots pictures ever taken so far. It is now in Mun orbit to act as a relay for future Mun missions.
  17. That is a great idea, but I probably won't have the time, and I'm probably not going to get KSP 2. I play on and off, like a few minutes every day. I like my really really modded install of KSP 1.7, and I'm probably going to keep playing it until it breaks or my computer breaks. But if I do get KSP 2, then that might happen, with emphasis on might.
  18. Muna-1: Massive Failure The engineers at the VAB decided to send a probe to the mun. However, to improve public relations, Walt insisted that they hold a naming contest. Of course, the top choice was "bobby mcdoodle thing", so they had to cover it up and claim that Muna-1 was the top name (No, it was #509,202) With fairing separation, the probe started to shudder. Later analysis revealed that the 6 baguette fuel tanks clipped into the probe caused a kraken attack there was a fuel leak in one of the internal fuel tanks, promptly causing it to explode. However, the engineers blamed all the problems on the silver foil covering the probe, not the usual gold foil.
  19. Really, the only cheat I use is rendezvous. I get the craft into a stable orbit, and I just cheat it to whatever I'm trying to dock it to. I have to say though, you need mods. At the beginning, I tried to avoid any and all mods, but that really made the game mundane. So I started off with some visual mods. My game looked better, but the parts were still crap. So I got more mods. I recommend Restock, Restock+ , All of Nertea's mods, and KIS/KAS. Trust me, It'll make your game so much better.
  20. CTV-7/CRV-1 & X-1.2-2: Partial Failures Bob and Bill were stuck in the dysfunctional space station, and they didn't know how to activate the solar panels. They were also running out of snacks. Bob began regretting his life choices, while Bill, who had some sense, contacted KASA to arrange a rescue mission. And they delivered. All was well, until the time came to deorbit the craft. You see, the RTGs were located in the service module, and the capsule was powered by a probe core... you see the problem. So they deorbited with the service module. However, this lowered the periapsis so much that instead of landing as planned near KSC, and they landed in the desert for a second time. The engineers at the Spaceplane Hangar, meanwhile, was prepping the X-1.2-2 for another flight. However, the mission didn't go as planned. I didn't want another perfect launch because I was so bored There was a software glitch and the engines shut off, so Jeb deployed the drogue chutes and airbrakes, but it crash-landed in the ocean, with only the cockpit surviving. Stay tuned, some exciting things are should be happening in a few days.
  21. What about Voyager? If I'm not mistaken, those are all names of probes.
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