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Kerminator K-100

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Everything posted by Kerminator K-100

  1. I feel that Kerbals make the game connectable. A probe core is cold and lifeless and not very interesting, but the kerbals add life to the game. I love seeing the awe on their faces when I make it to space or touch down on a new planet. Without the kerbals, I wouldn't feel the need to return a ship safely, I can just transmit everything, but I want the kerbals to make it home. Without kerbals, this game would be cold and dry. Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!
  2. Hi there. Could someone change my name to Kerminator K-100? (The question mark isn't part of the name) Thanks!
  3. Do you guys know if Kerbalism Science only config works with MKS? I know that Kerbalism doesn't but I not sure if the removal of all but the science parts would affect it. I asked in the Kerbalism thread too, but they haven't responded yet.
  4. I know that Kerbalism life support doesn't work with MKS, but does Kerbalism Science only Config work? I really like the way that kerbalism does science and I think that the stock system is too OP.
  5. Hi there. I'm new to MKS and am wondering why people keep talking about WOLF. I can't find any info about it and was hoping you guys could help me.
  6. That would be... cool? IDK if I want to see Kerbal puke going everywhere. I feel like that would be kind of gross.
  7. Hey @Gameslinx, what are the affects, if any, of changing the stock terrain textures? Does making the terrain high quality make parallax higher quality? Also what about ground scatter?
  8. How do you make new playlists and add songs? Every time I try it doesn't play or show up in the editor.
  9. I just tested it, it does work, despite pink clouds in the main menu, but I was running so many graphics mods and stock terrain shaders that my PC slowed to 1-5 FPS.
  10. Bill crashed into the ocean at 110 mph. It had all started with a contract to test the Hammer SRB at the launchpad. Bill was chosen as he was an engineer and for the sake of realism that is who should run engine tests. The rocket took off and Bill hung on. I had gone bare bones, removing fins, personal parachute, and other nonessentials. Bill realized that he wasn't able to turn very well and ended up having to shoot straight up. I thought it would be funny if he had a sub-orbital hop and sure enough he did. But there were some problems. In the interest of saving money, I had left off a decouple so I could recover all the parts. After entering the atmosphere, the craft entered an uncontrollable spin, leveling out pointing down. The craft was rapidly accelerating and Bill had to bail. Unfortunately he didn't have a parachute and hit the ground at 50 m/s. However all the damage he got was a crick in his neck and he was able to recover in about 5 seconds. Another point to show the extremely resilient nature of Kerbals. What visual mods are you using?
  11. Very cool! I can now just update without worrying about all the parts not having inventories!
  12. Kerbal Space Program's YouTube channel just posted this video: There are tons of really cool insights about the kerbals and it looks really cool. I also noticed some things like at 11:47, you can see that Jool has separate cloud bands that spin at alternate rates.
  13. Only problem with that is that flag planting gives more XP. I had to finally uninstall KER and it was a little surprising how much of its data is provided in the stock game.
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