I've always been of the opinion that when the employees in a restaurant start to recognize me, then its time to move on.
Sometimes its nice, like when I get coffee and the workers just ring me up and hand me my drink, but usually it makes me feel like I'm stuck in a rut.
This is advice I have lived by for years, especially #5. Cheap things and sales always catch my attention, and give me an "I want this now look how cheap it is!!!" feeling. Its really hard to control that but you have to or else you will spend all your money.
I really like your advice but I'd like to argue this point. I use a fluoride mouth wash everyday, and have never noticed any problems.
This thread is great, and I'd like to add some of my own.
- If you ever are having a bad day or feel depressed, go outside and take a walk. Changing up your surroundings, and getting exercise never fail to cheer me up, even on my worst days.
- Rejection is not the end of the world. Even if you think the other person would be perfect for you, someone else will come along who is even better.