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Everything posted by msp307

  1. Thanks for your help. it was because of the "Bluedog_DB" folder, had it twice. I had overlooked.
  2. hello, i downloaded the apollo-saturn-revamp folder, i have some problems. I can't find the "Saturn S-IV-2200 Cryogenic Fuel Tank" part in the game. The "S-II Interstage" is extended. The nodes have been moved on the "S-IVB Interstage". Hope someone can help.
  3. The problem has been resolved was an error in my RO files. Just overlooked. Anyways thanks for your help.
  4. I have already asked if the F1 engine will also be rebuilt. now i have seen this engine in this post. the lower one has been with me since I have BDB. What do I have to do so that I have the right one? And that also applies to the J2 engine.
  5. Hello, everyone when i want to download the apollo-saturn-revmap it always downloads the master package. can someone help?
  6. Hi, I have a problem with the ATM truss. If I put something on the upper node and use it in the VAB, each object is enlarged. I haven't been able to find anything to do with it so far.
  7. Hi, a question about the update of the Saturn V, will the F-1 engines have 2 variants, one with insulation and one without?
  8. Hello, don't know if it fits here didn't know where to ask. Since I RSS my parachutes have no effect. They do unfold but the fall is not slowed down. Does anyone know about RealChute how I can adapt them to my mods? Unfortunately, I don't get any answers in the RealChute thread.
  9. Hi, is it intended that the consumption of the engines will be rounded up? I no longer have the exact burning times. or is there a possibility to change this? At least there was no difference before the update; as in the example 140 sec. and 2.28 min.
  10. Hello everyone, can someone explain to me how I connect the parachutes of my different mods with RealChute? I've already tried, with me either the parachutes are activated in the VAB or the "Chut info window" are shown only small so that you can not see anything. Thanks in advance
  11. Hello everyone, 2 OGO experiments, "OGO-EP2 Gravimetric Scanner" and "OGO-OPEP Mass Spectrometer" the animation does not work. Can someone help what the problem is? OGO-EP2 Gravimetric Scanner MODULE { name = DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric animationName = deploy animSpeed = 2 endEventGUIName = Retract Gravimetric Scanner showEndEvent = false startEventGUIName = Deploy Gravimetric Scanner showStartEvent = false toggleEventGUIName = Toggle Gravimetric Scanner showToggleEvent = true showEditorEvents = true experimentID = gravityScan experimentActionName = Log Gravity Data resetActionName = Discard Gravity Data dataIsCollectable = true hideUIwhenUnavailable = false interactionRange = 1.2 rerunnable = true resettable = true resettableOnEVA = true useActionGroups = True useStaging = False xmitDataScalar = 1.0 usageReqMaskExternal = -1 totalScienceLevel = 0.4 customFailMessage = The experiment can't be performed here. deployingMessage = Close proximity to the craft scrambles the gravimeter's sensors, deploying the scanner now. experimentAnimation = true experimentWaitForAnimation = true waitForAnimationTime = 3 //resourceExperiment = ElectricCharge //resourceExpCost = 0 keepDeployedMode = 0 oneWayAnimation = false asteroidReports = true externalDeploy = true MODULE { name = ModuleEnviroSensor sensorType = GRAV } OGO-OPEP Mass Spectrometer MODULE { name = DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric animationName = deploy experimentID = bd_massSpec experimentAnimation = true experimentWaitForAnimation = true waitForAnimationTime = -1 keepDeployedMode = 2 deployingMessage = Close proximity to the craft scrambles the spectrometer's sensors, deploying the scanner now. customFailMessage = The mass spectrometer is not suitable for use during atmospheric flight, try again in space. animSpeed = 2 endEventGUIName = Retract Mass Spectrometer showEndEvent = false startEventGUIName = Deploy Mass Spectrometer showStartEvent = false toggleEventGUIName = Toggle Mass Spectrometer showToggleEvent = true showEditorEvents = true experimentActionName = Log Mass Spectrometry Data resetActionName = Discard Mass Spectrometry Data useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = False rerunnable = True xmitDataScalar = 1.0 dataIsCollectable = True collectActionName = Take Data interactionRange = 1.5 externalDeploy = True usageReqMaskExternal = 8 asteroidReports = True asteroidTypeDependent = True sitMask = 48 bioMask = 1 }
  12. Hello, is it possible to change the density / weight of all fuels? If so, can someone help me?
  13. Hello tried to implement RealChute in other mods. 1. Parachute does not open 2. The settings window in the VAB is not displayed correctly, it is just a small window. Can someone help, or are there explanations such as the MODULE RealChuteModule and MODULE ProceduralChute work?
  14. Hi does anyone have any information or can I explain exactly what MODULE { name = ModuleProceduralFairing nSides = nArcs = nCollidersPerXSection = useClamshell = ejectionForce = TextureURL = panelGrouping = pivot = axis = baseRadius = maxRadius = capRadius = snapThreshold = xSectionHeightMin = xSectionHeightMax = edgeSlide = edgeWarp = noseTip = UnitAreaMass = UnitAreaCost = stagingToggleEnabledEditor = stagingToggleEnabledFlight = stagingEnableText = stagingDisableText = } means? I have scaled a fairing base, my problem is how I scaled the fairing too.
  15. Thanks for the information. Helped me a lot. One more thing. I have the upper tank of the Delta III 2 times. once on the right that is scaled. and I can't edit the left that I actually want. does anyone know a solution?
  16. I am using the latest version of KSP. I forgot to say that I scaled this. My question was actually whether there are explanations for the individual points? MODULE { name = ModuleProceduralFairing nSides = 88 nArcs = 2 nCollidersPerXSection = 12 useClamshell = true ejectionForce = 300 TextureURL = Bluedog_DB/Parts/Aero/bluedog_fairing panelGrouping = 3 pivot = 0,0.11,0 axis = 0,1,0 baseRadius = 2.8125 maxRadius = 6 capRadius = 0.375 snapThreshold = 0.25 xSectionHeightMin = 0.3 xSectionHeightMax = 3 edgeSlide = 0.15 edgeWarp = 0.0 noseTip = 0.7 UnitAreaMass = 0.02 UnitAreaCost = 27 stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True stagingToggleEnabledFlight = False stagingEnableText = Fairing Not Staged stagingDisableText = Fairing Staged } MODULE { name = ModuleSimpleAdjustableFairing segmentLength = 0.95581 //086 maxSegments = 8 numSlices = 2 deploySpeed = 2.5 shieldingCenter = 0, 1.2, 0 shieldingBaseRadius = 1.27 editorOpenOffset = 7.5, 0, 0 stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true WALL_BASE // h = 1.86134 { transformName = Wallbase CoM = 0.156, 1.86, 0 mass = 0.006 rootOffset = 0, 0.06, 0 } WALL // h = 0.95581 { transformName = Wall CoM = 0.156, 2.36, 0 mass = 0.003 rootOffset = 0, 1.92134, 0 } CONE // h = 0.621908 { transformName = Cone CoM = 0.156, 1.2, 0 mass = 0.002 rootOffset = 0, 1.92134, 0 } }
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