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Everything posted by darthgently

  1. Another question, when an engineer goes to grab something and the "hand" icon over the item is gray instead of green what does it mean? The grab fails but neither to "too far" nor "too heavy" icons or messages show, the hand icon is just gray instead of green. After awhile of trying I was able to grab the item with nothing changing in the situation but time passing. The same item he couldn't grab he suddenly got a green hand instead of gray and could grab it from the same spot the kerb had been standing in with the same item in the same place. On 1.10.1. Not sure if it is a bug, or some context I'm not getting. Thanks for the mod! I love it, and thanks for any clue on this
  2. Looking at it from the outside, it appears like procedural parts are recomputed even during flight to a large degree. I wonder if there is a way to make tmp cfg files for installed parts so once installed they are no different than a stock part other than dimensions and perhaps lessen cpu load. The tmp files would be associated with .sfs and .craft files and when no references remained to them they could be deleted. If I'm way off base about them causing a cpu load more than other parts, well, I'm guessing from some log entries, but forgive me for blackboxing the situation as I see so many log entries related to procedural parts during unpacking of ships and such, but see no such verbosity with regards to normal parts
  3. What a great idea for a mod. I'm deep into a 1.10.1 career game now; is this stable enough for that version?
  4. Quick question, if you want a kerbal to simply drop something he has grabbed without hitting escape how does one do it? The top line in the screen popup reads "Drop (bottom)". I tried the down arrow key, I tried dragging it to the bottom of the screen, then ran out of ideas. My kerb is in orbit trying to clear out some parts from a hulk to get to what I need and there is no place within the kerb's reach where he can attach the unneeded part, it is a node attach only part
  5. Quick question, if you want a kerbal to simply drop something he has grabbed without hitting escape how does one do it? The top line in the screen popup reads "Drop (bottom)". I tried the down arrow key, I tried dragging it to the bottom of the screen, then ran out of ideas
  6. When I'm in the editor I get a lot of this in the logs coincident with ksp hanging for a minute or more sometimes. It spams the log the entire time the freeze is occurring [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:9581 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-3618788655 SimulationResource was not found. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [edit] I'm I clicked on the VAB with no build in progress, it should be empty. I have no mods that autoload last ship or anything and it just freezes and this is what my log looks like: (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:28643 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:21916 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:21916 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:21738 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:21738 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:9581 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:9581 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:1 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:1 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found. .... over and over
  7. Patch works great, I took the liberty of toning down the visuals for my version by adjusting the emissions down 1/2. I might bump them up a little bit as I think I went too far. Thanks for all you do!
  8. I'm attempting to find the right forum for a SpaceY V1 Vernier Thruster issue. I use them all the time, and the performance and visual effects are fantastic. Unfortunately, the visual effect comes from the opposing thruster, not the one that is firing, which looks crazy, and over the top fantastic. Is there a better forum? I couldn't find another SpaceY forum on this site in about a minute of searching. If this is the right place, has anyone else had this issue?
  9. I completely rely on SR. I should probably adjust its generosity down with regards to how much it pays back, but I keep putting that off for some reason, lol. Thanks for all the work! When I wait too long to switch from an upper stage that I manually flip around to burn it retrograde so it gets out of physics range for SR to capture sometimes I delay too long and find myself in atmosphere and can't switch away. Which is fine, I just deploy the grid fins, then eventually the chutes, and manually recover it stock. The grid fins make a *huge* impact on deceleration and am hoping at some point that installed grid fins figure into SR terminal velocity calculations. As it is I have to put way more parachute on than required which really cuts into my DV, but I have to leave the grid fins on just in case I ride it down. Because they are very cool I've used FMRS and liked it overall for simple craft, launches, and missions, but I find myself getting lost in the "parallel realities" when I'm combining contracts, juggling multiple flights, etc. and about 1/3rd of the time click the wrong button and end up in the wrong alternate universe; and Kerbals die. <sniff> Of all the mods out there, SR is, by far, the most straightforward one with such a high impact on game enjoyment, thank you!
  10. First, thanks for maintaining these parts. Often with using the procedural hollow truss adapter below a stage with an engine I end up with a gap at the top of the fairings that I can't get rid of and it seems to affect the stability of the fairings (falling off on the launch pad prior to launch etc). Other times the fairings do fine, unless I make them too long (trying to get rid of the gap) and they hang up on the next stage up. Clearly I am missing something in my understanding on how to use these as others don't appear to have this issue. A clue, a clue, my kingdom for a clue! [edit] as usual, after asking publicly it somehow engages another part of my brain and I'm starting to maybe see through some of this. Is the fact that I'm trying to use this part like an engine shroud (for situations where a normal shroud isn't working) the heart of this? The fairing seems to be stopping roughly at the top of the engine leaving a gap to the tank above. So what *is* the general solution for engines that don't have shrouds or the shrouds that are designed for them are junk?
  11. Exactly. I'd like to call a polar scanning satellite something other than a "relay". And just because I like some station parts on a larger ship doesn't make it a "station" (the word deriving from static, as in staying in one area). Then, to make things worse, and ship that docks with that "station" ship gets its root part reassigned to the part that docked. Because "stations" have that kind of awesome power
  12. Your words not mine. Flying ships and stablishing bases is the point of KSP to me. Different strokes for different folks, have fun
  13. I get that, but I've drawn the line at KAS/KIS and some mining related stuff. The mods really bog a system down after awhile. Games are about working within limitations, ELP deflates the fun a bit for me by taking away a key limitation that makes KSP fun for me. ELP solves problems that are the point of the game for the player to solve. For me it crosses the line just enough to start sucking the fun out of the game. I have no doubt the creator(s) of it took great joy creating it and had some fun in between the sweat and tears, but I feel it comes at the expense of having solved issues that many others want to solve themselves
  14. I think I figured out why I think this is a good idea and others can't figure it. I use Kerbal Attachment System so engineers can fix/build a lot of stuff outside the VAB, but I don't run Extraplanetary Launchpads so I can't just build rockets anywhere. I have, however, had kerbals replace parts on stuff in orbit that were scavenged (usually from a nearby working ship that had extras). A good example is moving parachutes from a zero fuel upper stage (that normally deorbits so Stage Recovery can handle it; I used all the fuel circularizing and forgot to leave any to deorbit the upper stage and just left it up there). Anyway, when I ended up with less room on my ship during a contract rescue (because the VAB put extra castaway kerbs on that I didn't notice before launching) the solution was to put parachutes from the debris onto the rescue contract Command Capsule and nudge it into a deorbit. Everyone survived. But the rescuee rode back in the rescue ship and one of the engineers rode the debris and chutes down because it seemed like the thing to do. Got paid for the Command Capsule too. So it was 2 rendezvous instead of one, the first to go get the chutes
  15. Yes, currently I rename stuff that might come in handy in orbit somewhere so I don't accidentally delete it as debris. But the filters in the map view, not just the TC, filter by specific categories. I would like a category just like "ships", "debris", probes", "bases", but for stuff that KSP calls debris, but I don't want to mistake for debris. Why does this seem so complicated? A lot of off the wall push back here on a fairly straightforward UI suggestion. How about the general ability to add custom categories? It is a matter of being in map view and wanting to find something in the noise and being able to click a button to filter out the irrelevant, not looking at the name I gave everything after going to the TC etc
  16. No, that is not the idea. The player would tag it as salvage worthy. You can change the categorization by selecting the object in the list in Tracking Center, the clicking on the "i" panel down in the menus, then doubleclicking on the name of the object. You can edit the name and you can re-categorize it to one of the stock categories. I'm merely suggesting adding another category the player could choose. No automation. More clear? Sorry if I wasn't The player decides, not the game. Currently I change the name of the object in TC, but I want to be able to filter it in and out like the other categories. Jeez guys, think I wouldn't want automated anything. I just want to be able to assign it as salvage myself and filter it in and out as needed. I launched a rocket to replace some solar panels that Jeb flew through on a sat, then later when going through debris there was a piece of failed rocket with panels on it. Could have save some time to just rendezvous a ship that was already up there and grab it. I hadn't deleted it because long ago I thought, that might be useful sometime, then forgot about it. I want to tag it and see it when I filter by 'salvage'
  17. Just as we can tag tracked objects as ships, debris, probes, etc., how about adding "Salvage Target" or just "Salvageable"? That way we can still filter out debris from the map without passing up that full fuel tank the kraken had mercy upon
  18. What would cause Lynx parts, and no others, to appear completely jet black? No texture, no light even reflecting off them. As if they are made of compacted coal dust. I suspect a texture file problem. I don't have this issue with any other parts. Running Linux with an NVidia card. I can get you more specific info on request if you would like but wanted to open the subject if its a known issue with a quick answer fix. Thank you for all you do
  19. This is more of a KIS/KAS thing but it would be interesting if one could send out a memo like "3 engineers needed in 10 hours at Minmus Base #2 for heavy lifting at the new construction site" and when the player goes there 10 game hours from then, if it were plausible for 3 engineers to have arrived there in that time, like maybe they are stationed there, or are not too far away, then there they would be. It is very tedious gathering kerbals for heavy lifting as one has to do it one at a time, but it is more realistic that a message would go out and people would show up if they could. For people who don't do KIS/KAS they could just arrange a big party to blow stuff up
  20. Cache the parsed results of all those very fluffy and very wordy text files in GameData and store the resulting data structures as a big blob. If any file are updated, then just parse as is the norm at startup now, otherwise just mmap that blob and go
  21. Why not be up front about that as a valid way to pay for the game? Once you've paid the price, the miner goes away. A little popup console could tell the player how much the game is slowing down because of the miner and how many more hours of play with the miner at work they still have to play (at current exchange rates; no promises) before they get an unbridled version.
  22. What is the best forum for discussing KOS coding detail questions? I've about got my nav light script how I want it but want to know the best way to make it always running on all of my ships. I don't want just hack it then have to fix it later. But this forum seems a bit quiet for that kind of getting into the weeds on things Here is question relevant to this forum: is there a way to attach an exit function to the code that always executes even if terminated by the user (ctrl-c etc)?
  23. Nevermind. Going to try this I found on reddit: SHIP:CONTROLPART But in my defense, I searched in the git docs for "control" and this did not come up!
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