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Ben J. Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben J. Kerman

  1. Mein Hügel mit meiner Baumaschinen. For you moderator overlords, the above phrase means "My hill with my construction equipment"
  2. How the heck do you say Embraer properly IN PORTUGUESE, and why do I keep posting valid questions on the "Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer back" thread?
  3. Banned because oh...I'm mostly negative anyway.
  4. Yup again! Or yep, or ja, or si, or oui, or da, or... @Akagi
  5. Having over 1,000 rep. points. Cheater!
  6. ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo, mis amigos del foro!
    I'm just here to tell you that Cinco de Mayo is NOT Mexican Independence Day, but rather celebrates the Mexican army winning the Battle of Puebla during the French-Mexican war, although France ended up winning the war overall. 


  7. Banned for not saying "Banned for being neutral in The Great Number War" in response to my post above.
  8. I use all of the earthmoving equipment Liebherr has to offer, from the Bagger to the Planierraupe, from the Lader to the Knickgelekte-Muldenkipper, to move the hill next to my house, piece by piece. My Liebherr hill.
  9. Banned for being positive in The Great Number War!
  10. Floor 2928: You hear a song playing that can only be classified in the genre of...
  11. This happened a few weeks ago, and compared to some of the other negative things I've seen on here this is barely anything. One of my dad's friends is opening a restaurant in Hartford (I think it was called Jefe Takeout), and we went over there while he worked on cleaning the grease trap and fixing stuff in the bathroom, and I was sitting (no chairs/tables, but in front of the windows there is an about foot-wide ledge thing inside that is good for sitting on. I was playing some KSP on my laptop and drawing some European trucks on a clipboard, when the young child of either my dad's friend or the sister of her friend asked my mom, who was sitting right next to me, if I was a boy or a girl, on account of my long-ish hair (it reaches just about to my shoulders). I know he genuinely didn't know, but it still annoyed the heck out of me at that moment.
  12. I guess you could say I'm in a bad mood today (Actually sort of am... nothing bad really happened, but I have been coughing a bit recently. I think it's just allergies and stuff, and I'm very tired.) Also, I think I am just going to normally follow whatever team is winning. If in the next round the positives start to win, I might go to the positive side...or maybe I would remain with my fellow negatives, I don't know. -45.
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