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Ben J. Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben J. Kerman

  1. Uh, ok. (That's probably what you thought when I started posting stuff about Greek cranes -Crane operators, the cranes themselves are German- Although you know I will post crane stuff. You never know what you other forum goers will post)
  2. You seem to like the Greek letter "Omega". If you want Greek stuff, the best I can give you is a crane company on Crete. The best part is, they use Liebherr! A wise choice. Use closed captioning (Subtitles) to understand them.
  3. Hey, @BlackMesaSurvivor, I am beginning to suspect that you are Russian, or just like the Russian language and want to learn it (Like I am with German, and the country of Germany. Totally not because Liebherr is a German company...)
  4. Ever need to ship something? Here you go! https://www.joc.com/special-topics/top-40-container-carriers#:~:text=The Top 5 US carriers,5 for global fleet operators. I suggest A.P. Møller – Mærsk ,Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft, or Hapag-Lloyd.
  5. HI again! I am currently on a Lenovo Ideapad 3. it's my mom's too, but I use it a lot. I will be switching over to a Dell Latitude (Some number, I can't remember the exact model and I don't have it here with me now) so my mom can use the Ideapad. I am going to be working on my stop motion video for now, so I might not be here for a little bit. I discovered a cool way of posting! It looks like this! It looks almost 3 dimentional. It works better with longer words and sentences.
  6. So what is this thread for exactly???
  7. I use Tweakscaled I-Beams and structural panels (One of the best mods ever!!! Thanks @Lisias!), and sometimes the Making History structural panels. Besides that, I use Breaking Ground to make the crane actually function, and more I-beams and panels for the frame. The boom is structural fuselages, with telescopic hydraulic cylinders inside it. I occasionally use the parts from Space Center Vehicles to make part of a crane, but I don't think I have done that with the Kiebherr cranes. The winches on all of my cranes are KAS.
  8. Hello!!! I just looked, and I have 61 notifications on the forum. We made it to page 400!
  9. Still not done, but I have gotten this much done so far. Enjoy! Or don't enjoy it, I really don't care
  10. This is what I have done so far on my newest stop motion video. I am still working on it.

    I hope you like it!


  11. @Max von Kerman that's pretty good! Although next time, maybe add things like outriggers, have more realistic looking cabs, and use the offset tool to place hydraulic cylinders inside of other cylinders (Then use rigid attachment) as the telescopic boom. Still, that's not bad at all! I should probably add to the instructions that it doesn't have to be able to lift much (Mine can't, mostly because I use the rotation servos as slewing gears, but they are SO frickin' floppy) and you can use whatever mods or DLCs you want (I use KAS, Tweakscale, both DLCs, and sometimes a part or two from Space Center Vehicles for my cranes. P.S. Does anyone know of any good robotics mods that has parts (Including hydraulic cylinders) of varying size, and has rotation servos or similar parts that look like this?: : It doesn't need to have gear teeth, but it does need to be wider than the Breaking Ground servos, and a little shorter.
  12. Hello!!! I went to "Brick Swap USA" in the Buckland Hills mall. I went there to get the screen on my mom's old phone fixed so it could be my phone (My iPod touch recently went through the washer. Luckily, I backed up my iPod touch somewhat recently, so I didn't lose everything). While I was there, I saw this Lego store, but they didn't just have sets. They had whole bins of pieces for $6 a pound! I just picked out what pieces I needed (I finally got a telescopic crane boom!!!!!), and I only paid about $9 for a big Ziploc bag of pieces! Another interesting thing was that people could trade in their sets or pieces that they don't want anymore, and the store sells them. Also, this:
  13. Hi! @kerbiloid, I noticed that your signature can not be seen when directly looking at the screen, but when I am looking at the screen at an angle, I can see it. This is the Liebherr 1000 EC-B 125 Litronic flat top tower crane:
  14. Well, I will just let THIS do the talking: In Kerala, laughter is a problem while using the Chick-XP platform (many fans can use plugs for any product). That was originally: Who here can make an all terrain mobile crane in KSP that looks as close to the real crane as possible? (Actually, I would prefer all-terrain mobile cranes, but any crane from tower cranes to crawler cranes to ring cranes would be fine, as long as they look close to the real thing
  15. Ohhhh, OK. Then... English > German > Dutch > French > Japanese > Chinese (Simplified) > Luxembourgish > Swedish > Kyrgyz > Irish > Arabic > Zulu > Chinese (Traditional) > Odia > Belarusian > Indonesian > Macedonian > Latin > Spanish > Russian > Yiddish > Hungarian > Greek > Hawaiian > Slovak > Esperanto > English Normal English: Who here can make an all terrain mobile crane in KSP that looks as close to the real crane as possible? (Actually, I would prefer all-terrain mobile cranes, but any crane from tower cranes to crawler cranes to ring cranes would be fine, as long as they look close to the real thing Brace yourselves for laughter : In Kerala, laughter is a problem while using the Chick-XP platform (many fans can use plugs for any product).
  16. Nein, Die Megathread (Or "der" or something, I don't speak German yet) (No, The Megathread) Liebherr-Werk Ehingen: https://earth.google.com/web/search/Liebherr-Werk+Ehingen+GmbH,+Dr.-Hans-Liebherr-Straße,+Ehingen,+Germany/@48.29773318,9.71044643,552.36989365a,948.40465175d,35y,-110.79692062h,45.00174019t,0r/data=CrQBGokBEoIBCiUweDQ3OWJkNTk0YjBiNTFmYTc6MHg1YWRhM2M3YWMwMTcyYjViGeXJ2ku_JUhAIb0RJ0HJaiNAKkdMaWViaGVyci1XZXJrIEVoaW5nZW4gR21iSCwgRHIuLUhhbnMtTGllYmhlcnItU3RyYcOfZSwgRWhpbmdlbiwgR2VybWFueRgCIAEiJgokCUWp8UZ9EkhAEYWdLomSEEhAGcEJIetMQCRAITA0fLAxOCRA
  17. No activity on his account, and a long username. @some guy? I could be guilty of the same thing where I predict someone who has never actually used his/her account.
  18. For me it is 11:52. I should probably go to bed soon. (So, you really live in Germany, huh @Starhelperdude? Have you ever gone past the Liebherr factory in Ehingen? Or Kirchdorf?) They make their mobile and crawler cranes in Ehingen, and earthmoving equipment in Kirchdorf.
  19. I need the key to my crane. I lost it. I left it on the crane boom when we raised it, then it came falling down and landed somewhere. Luckily everyone was wearing hard hats!
  20. You get a Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1 all terrain mobile crane painted silver. That will be... 12.5 million dollars (Real price. It is the largest mobile crane in the world though, and the telescopic boom alone is 100 meters, and can lift even higher than that with various lattice extensions)
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