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Ben J. Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben J. Kerman

  1. Ok, here's stuff:https://www.sennebogen.com/en/products/balance-material-handler Sennebogen Equilibrium Material handlers. Sennebogen is my 2nd favorite construction equipment brand, my first favorite obviously being Liebherr. Of course. Iirc, it was about the cranes. Liebherr, iirc. I meant when and on which page my first post was on.
  2. Does anyone remember my first post on the Megathread? Also, I'm glad you like the music!
  3. I am thinking about using this music in one of my next videos. Do you like it?
  4. I ate the soup. (I really should get something to eat. I had almost nothing for breakfast and nothing for lunch, but it's not dinner time yet. Where I am, it's 4:23 PM) @Starhelperdude? Bist du da? ("Are you there" in German)
  5. Banned for not mentioning how awesome Liebherr construction equipment is!
  6. Baggerlader is really fun to say. It's the German word for backhoe Bagger is excavator, lader is loader, and a backhoe is a loader and excavator in one. It makes sense, doesn't it? Try it! Click here to go to Google Translate, then click the speaker button to hear how to pronounce it.
  7. Uhh, @Admiral Fluffy? Caterpillar and Hyundai don't make cranes. Caterpillar makes every piece of construction equipment out there except cranes. Correction: Hyundai does make cranes, but only huge gigantic ship cranes and port cranes, but not tower cranes. Wait, I think you might be thinking of demolition excavators. Did they look something like this?
  8. Ok, nice. Did you see what kind of tower crane/what brand? Liebherr's color scheme is often yorange (Yellow-ish orange) with a white cab. The main types are flat top, high top, and luffing jib. I need to eat, so I will explain them and post pictures later.
  9. Cool! Were they telescopic or lattice boom? Crawler, mobile, or tower cranes? Or not sure? Here's a crane. but it's green!
  10. Jeez, I forgot Liebherr did so much stuff. So apparently, Liebherr also makes air conditioners for trains, hydraulic cylinders (Not actually that surprising, since they are so commonly used in construction equipment), gear hobbing (Gear cutting) machines, and electric motors. Oh, and they make robots. And they even operate 6 hotels. Yes, I said hotels. And we, of course, cannot forget their functional, very high quality, cool, and beautiful cranes. https://www.liebherr.com Need huge gears cut precisely? Ever wondered where you could get a good linear gantry robot? Have you ever needed to pound a big piece of metal deep into the ground? Got to lift gigantic stuff? Want to mine some gold? (The gold you mine won't pay back the price of the machine though! I think gold is mined differently anyway)
  11. Hello everybody! I almost forgot that Liebherr made concrete mixing plants. Yeah, Liebherr makes a lot of stuff. Cranes, fridges, concrete plants, landing gear for planes, and excavators, among many, many, many other things. https://www.liebherr.com/en/usa/start/start-page.html https://www.liebherr.com/en/int/products/construction-machines/concrete-technology/mixing-plants/betomix/betomix.html https://www.liebherr.com/en/int/products/construction-machines/concrete-technology/mixing-plants/betomat/betomat.html
  12. I don't remember what version, but I got it for my 10th birthday (Feb. 2018, I think) I first got interested in KSP when I saw some videos on YouTube of other people playing it, I thought it looked fun, and I asked for it. Then, I got it.
  13. Even though I am not into any superhero type stuff, I still really like the Avenger/Marvel movies (They are good. Obviously, if they were bad I would not like them!). My favorite TV shows, however, include Futurama, The Venture Brothers and The Simpsons.
  14. When you get a chance, @Starhelperdude, check this out. Pay attention to the 4th one down; If/when you ever get close to Liebherr-Werk Ehingen, you'll know it!:https://www.liebherr.com/en/usa/products/mobile-and-crawler-cranes/customer-magazine/moments/impressions-2018.html
  15. Granted. You download it at 0.0000001 kbps. I wish for half of all the Legos in the world.
  16. Ooh, a crane! It's a Tadano (Tah-Dah-No) crane, A Japanese brand. This happened when Malvis forgot to set the parking brake on his Kiebherr KTC 1050. Here is the full video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KoURwO7t6c
  17. Hi! The loaders look pretty much exactly the same, right? Well, that's because Liebherr makes loaders for Claas, but paints them a different color, puts a different logo on it, and I think the engine and stuff might be different as well. Random video time: And the English version to please our Moderator overlords:
  18. Hi! Random image time: Notice any similarities between the Claas loader and the Liebherr loader?
  19. Yeah! In FSX, of course. I have barely been out of New England, let alone Europe. I would like to go to Germany at some point in my life, maybe even work at Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH. I need to learn German first; I'm not going to be one of those people that goes to a country without knowing the language first.
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