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Ben J. Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben J. Kerman

  1. Thanks! I landed a little hard and wasn't on a good approach trajectory (Not lined up with the runway), but I managed to get on the ground safely. I think that might have been my first real successful commercial flight from take-off to landing.
  2. Did you the video, and did you like it? I don't want to seem "desperate" or anything, but I think I did a pretty good job.
  3. I have 124 now. Banned for having a drawing as profile picture.
  4. What characters are those? Some Arabic letters or something? No, that's more like this: رافعة متحركة (That's "mobile crane" in Arabic, by the way-Pronounced "rafieat mutaharika")
  5. Yes, I like moving around! What's the point of going to other planets and not exploring? I recently have mostly done short test trips on Kerbin (Mostly KSC) with new cranes, trucks, cars, and other regular ground vehicles I have built.
  6. Here's the final version. I hope you like it! I am still working on the actual video that the trailer is trailer-ing (Or whatever, that's probably not a word. You know what I mean! Right?)
  7. Geschwindigkeit (German word for "speed")
  8. Banned for using Kerbmoji (Kerbal Emoji)
  9. I made a Lego replica of this (The Liebherr LTR 1060) It doesn't look very realistic, but it's not completely unrealistic: I need to finish my current stop motion video (The Lego material handler) so I can... A.) Walk into my room without the fear of smashing all my Legos B. )Start another video not so close to my door I will post pictures of the Lego LTR 1060 soon
  10. Yes, nobody likes the devil. No crane-hating devil soup, no demonic Kerbals stuck in space, nothing.
  11. I just noticed I am above 400 reputation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Kranich! (The German word for crane. But don't be confused!! Kran is the word for crane (Equipment), and Kranich is the word for crane (Bird)) So, Kranich = And Kran = Now you're on your way to learning German!!
  13. Banned for posting Cyrillic character.
  14. Hi, and welcome @USAA! (As everybody else already said) I don't have much more to add, besides being another person to say: Welcome! Wilkommen! Welkom! ¡Bienvenidos! Bienvenu! If you ever need any help, want advice, want to share stuff, or just have some fun (Check out Misguided Kerbal's Megathread, if you want), just visit the KSP forums!! It's always nice to have more forum members!
  15. No, no of course not! Anyone who wants to draw a crane, can draw a crane! Go ahead, @OrdinaryKerman!
  16. It was FSX (Microsoft Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition) I have hard that not many people use it anymore, and I was surprised. I know there are other, newer Microsoft Flight simulators out now with better graphics and stuff, but with higher prices and much more disc space (Maybe higher prices? I haven't looked at them much since FSX works well for me) I used the Windows game bar thing. I'm not very sure what it is, but If you go to Settings > Gaming > Game Bar (In Windows 10), it shows you the different keyboard shortcuts for screenshots, recording, etc.
  17. Not bad, but when you recreate it, maybe make it a little taller, add counterweight, and and make the cab a little smaller in relation to the rest of the crane. But cool! Also, have you watched my video, and if so, did you like it? It's fine with me if you don't wan to watch it right now, but it would be nice if you did.
  18. All I use is the thing that comes with Windows; It's an Xbox thing or something, I dunno. I hit Win+Alt+R, and it starts recording my screen in the game. I don't have an Xbox, or any platform like that. My computer has everything I need. When I want to play something on a bigger screen, I just hook it up to my TV via HDMI cable. Also, what do you think of the video?
  19. Here's my newest video. It's just a preview of what's to come. Yes, Souptime does pretty good art. Hey, @Souptime, maybe you could try drawing an LR 1600/2? Make sure to get the cab shape right. https://www.liebherr.com/en/usa/products/mobile-and-crawler-cranes/crawler-cranes/lr-crawler-cranes/details/lr16002.html
  20. Yes, it's pretty cool. ALE is a heavy transport and lifting company from the UK that was recently acquired by Mammoet, a Dutch heavy transport and lifting company. Mammoet is pronounced "Mom-oot" and is the Dutch word for Mammoth.
  21. Wow, 8 million is a large number. But so is 10,000. What is the significance of this number? What is special about the number 10,000? I'll tell you what. Or rather, I'll show you. With a video. That I think I have shown you before. That's pretty significant.
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