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Ben J. Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben J. Kerman

  1. This is what I have done so far on my newest stop motion video.


    1. Guest


      Nice job, stop motion is really hard

    2. Stormpilot


      @The Doodling Astronaut it is. I’ve tried it before and it not easy. @Ben J. Kerman great animation by the way!

    3. Ben J. Kerman

      Ben J. Kerman

      Thank you!!! Do you like the music I chose, or should I use something else?


      (Yes, it is hard. I am afraid that every time I leave my room I will hit something with the door when I open it and I will need to start all over again! I probably won't do my next animation so close to the door.)

  2. Yes Well. how about this: Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz It means "law for regulating the labeling of beef.” Also this: Esternocleidooccipitomastoideos (The longest Spanish word) It is the plural of the noun esternocleidooccipitomastoideo, which is the sternocleidomastoid, a muscle in the human neck. Explanation from Wikipedia. Or this number (Go to Google translate to hear it. It's fun!) : Number form: 123,456,789,012,234,567,890,999,999,888,777,666,666,555,444,333,222,111,001,975,312,468,086,429,999,999,999,999,999 Um, sure... (Backs away slowly into bushes, jumps in excavator, and crawls away (Assuming it is a crawler excavator) (Sorry for double posting) The one time post merging was useful
  3. A big wind turbine. A BIG wind turbine. like, 15 megawatt big. The Megathread. Full of random stuff, including, but not limited to: Cranes Cranes More cranes Jeez, how many cranes are there? Rockets Information German lessons The Russian alphabet Wind Turbines Posts that simply say "Post" And much more! Check out Misguided Kerbal's Megathread TODAY!!
  4. German Lesson! Deutsch unterricht! Q:What's material handler in German? A:Materialhandler Q:What's computer in German? A:Computer Q:What's snack in German? A:Snack Q:What's radio in German? A:Radio Q:What's all terrain mobile crane liability insurance in German? A: All-Terrain-Mobilkran-Haftpflichtversicherung
  5. Did you know that in German, the plural for crane (cranes) is Krane? It is pronounced sort of like: Krahn-eh. Maybe @Starhelperdude can help me?
  6. Die Liebherr MK 88 Mobilbaukran The Liebherr MK 88 mobile construction crane It's ingenious, awesome, and German!
  7. Banned for not having a signature.
  8. AHH, CANNOT ADD ANY MORE REACTIONS!!!!! (EDIT: I just removed reaction from another post so I like your post) Cool, @Wizard Kerbal!! https://www.liebherr.com/en/usa/products/mobile-and-crawler-cranes/crawler-cranes/lr-crawler-cranes/details/lr16002.html Where did you learn that?
  9. Here is my KerbJet 45: If you are wondering, I did do other flights but have not uploaded them onto YouTube yet. I will post a video of my McKerbal Kouglas DK-10 here later.
  10. Sorry for posting on an old thread; I sort of do that a lot. Get a Kiebherr KR 13000, lift a 1,500 ton block o' something, move the crane over to the Kraken, and release the payload! Jeb Status: No, the crane lifting the crane lifting the crane lifting the crane lifting the model crane is not photoshopped. Impressed? Me too.
  11. Well, hello President Fluffy! I propose you pass a law granting low income families access to free/reduced price Liebherr mobile, crawler, rough terrain, and tower cranes.
  12. 7: Make a crane. 8 : Collapse a crane.
  13. I watched it, and the cranes were LIEBHERR!!!!!!!!! Also there were cool explosions.
  14. Fresh page. Fresh start. Interesting, and good for you! I know many English words (It is my language, after all), and I know the names of construction equipment in German, and I know a tiny bit of Spanish. I know that crane in Italian is gru, but that's about it. Please correct me if that is the word for the bird and not the machinery.
  15. Me no can math. Me tired. Proper English: I am having trouble with math right now. I am somewhat tired.
  16. Welcome to the KSP forums!!! I hope you find these forums a helpful, friendly, welcoming (We are welcoming you, so I guess you can cross that one off the list!), and entertaining community. Yes, I just discovered that too. Did you get a hole in one ?
  17. Oh, then, let's be careful. Attention all moderators: Please DO NOT, I repeat NOT, lock this thread. It was a mistake, and it won't happen again. (It's ok, @Wizard Kerbal. Don't feel bad. It was an honest mistake, and I myself would have had a little trouble figuring out a way to say, um. that word without swearing.)
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