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  1. Hey guys, dont like the new version, cuz the speed of keypad control is limited to 100!In earlier versions i could been set it to 10000, to change angles very fast, but now its so slow!I cant recreate my Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy launches, cuz i uploads them on YouTube channel, and this limit doesnt allow me to change angles fast, and my previous launch was corrupted by this.
  2. I had solved this problem.All problem was with FAR.I didn't install it correct, and my parachutes was broke.
  3. ooohh, i dont know why my chutes arent working.
  4. Why chutes arent working?There are no them in stages.
  5. I made deep space 2 penetrator.Fairing really very good protects payload, i impacted with speed 130 m/s, and fairing and payload survived!It very cool
  6. Where is the droneships????????????????????????
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