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Everything posted by TruthfulGnome

  1. Abandoned for the new release
  2. imo you cant really have an alternative reality show and make it 100% realistic and have it be enjoyable to watch, especially keep it running with good income... but yes ETS is amazing, i cant wait to see those parts revamped!
  3. it’s the KSRSS devs that are working on a fix, they made an error either the configs
  4. Parallax configs are broken and they're working on a fix, delete Parallax.
  5. could you add the MethaneOxi to the stock parts please? or is there anyway i could change the MethaneLqdOxygen to MethaneOxidizer
  6. i use a black KASA flag and when lowering the opacity it turns to grey so i think just adding a black one makes more sense
  7. the TRS would've been launched in a Shuttle and docked to Skylab with the Canadarm, you wouldn't need much parts for it
  8. i cant put embed images for some reason but will this be added? A Drawing of a Teleoperator Retrieval System | S78-23631 (19… | Flickr would be great to have, also that Flickr album has a lot of other images of Skylab if needed
  9. Ctrl + K select the pad you want, hit 'make launch site' name it whatever you want select RP to make it a rocketpad and VAB. any further help go to the Kerbal Konstructs people
  10. Tundra Space Center doesn't add any KK configs for a space center.
  11. it would only mess up rovers/landers on the surface, anything in orbit will be completely fine
  12. there is Parallax configs for JNSQ JNSQ Parallax settings - Bumpy roads up ahead [Version 1.0 ] - Add-on Development - Kerbal Space Program Forums
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