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Not a Spy

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Everything posted by Not a Spy

  1. ive been experincing a bug, no matter what planetpack i use, no matter the mods i have installed, the game will load but i cant load my savegame
  2. ive been having a bug where the huds overlap and are offset way to the side, has this happened before?
  3. so i want to install because i heard it helps with adding resoruces to planet packs, but i dont want new parts, and i would still like ore to be op, is there a way to do so?
  4. oop gonna grab that now then thankyou edit:so i just check out the thread, and it ocnfuses me A LOT, ill go ask a question there
  5. ok, 1 million delta v wont need to be refueled on those planets anyways, i can send a refueling tanker anyway if i need to refuel them immediate, so just ore on those planets will do sad face
  6. @JadeOfMaar,i heard somewhere its possible to have just the plugin ore (see what i did there) something like that so that is gives places the rescorce, but keeps it stockalike have i been misinformed?
  7. ok, i just have one question:i want to keep the stock rescource configs, doesnt rational rescources change that?
  8. is this compatible with opm and i have avp installed and im wondering if that will break things, im also considering extrasolar
  9. dont worry i have fft intalled and i get your point about delta v, its just i dont wanna have to send a rescue mission lol million dv does seem a bit overkill now but for interstellar missions antimatter propulsion seems realistic
  10. delta v map? i have a ship with 1 million and im wondering if that will be enough... and i really love this, please dont abandon it...
  11. ikr i suck at ksp but with 1mil+ delta v who cares
  12. thanks, its a lot of trial error, i also, as said previously am very exited for the new fft ill miss radiator spam and antimatter and here is something i made with that old mod https://imgur.com/1YHhhmk
  13. awwww but i like being able to slap 1000 radiators on something and call it fine im also slightly worried about compatibility with other mods...
  14. so i recently installed the old fft mod and im having issues with fuel ratios, how do i get the right?
  15. omg, i just discovered this and i cant wait! what mods are here?
  16. so i recently installed, and i would like to get rid of the shadows while in the editor, it just feels a bit to dark for me, is there a way to do this? and maybe make things a little brighter as well?
  17. so the mod says that it is not thoroughly tested, when do you think it will be completely (or something close) ready for use?
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