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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. https://imgur.com/a/Hr5LMX4 Meme which perfectly exemplifies what I feel now.
  2. Skip to 6:29 Holy... And look at this. What do you think about this?
  3. That same rocket was launching in the last one, a count down perhaps?
  4. At 6:33, that image. My heart is doing backflips.
  5. It's almost, wait where is the emoji. *Reads though comments Yeah sounds good. it's almost FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDAY!
  6. They could just release the game with a few systems and then slowly add more with new updates, remember KSP 2 will probably be like KSP 1 in that regard, every few months/a year of two there will probably be new update with different planets. This is what happened with KSP 1 btw. It could be very possible KSP 2 will be released early and move into beta only after a couple years after it becomes available but there is already a thread about that
  7. The beast is unchained! It's time for the...Revenge of the 15th *Applause
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