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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. I have 483 community reputation points. Boy that’s a lot.

    1. JB182



    2. Pi_Maaster1337
    3. Stormpilot



      Now you have more because I liked your post :)

  2. E too!what about SHOW AND PLAY! Is this in line for suggestions as for Show and a tell videos @KSPStar, @Nate Simpson, and @Intercept Games?
  3. Saw this. I thought it be nice if anyone wanted to support him they could. I support your request @Matt Lowne But I cant do anthing.
  4. I’m doing this. To be a KSP pro. Here I come with the Holengaurd. The largest ship the Kerbal Space Program has ever built.
  5. Thsta why. To get the mejor bugs ouut of the way.
  6. I make SSTOs too! However I can not guarantee the safety of your crew or mission with them. But I do make SSTOs. Matt Lonwe's SSTOs are way better though.
  7. I'm going to do a grand tour soon. With a mix. With multiple ships and kerbals.  But one mission.

    1. Stormpilot


      you spelled multiple wrong :)

    2. Dr. Kerbal
  8. I think Early Access for the community would be great because the community could report bugs to make KSP2 even better!
  9. I'm going to do grand tour soon everyone! With multiple ships and kerbals.
  10. Im a doctor. But @Matt Lowne what is Spacepox?
  11. The KSP2 team has not shown much gameplay besides kerbal walking planets, and ship flying. I think people are curios about the game UI. So. I would like to holed a poll about the UI.
  12. After much consideration for my next YouTube video I have decided! Maybe... :I I may do a Jool 5 mission or a mission to EV ERYWHERE! It might take a while but hey That what it means by going everywhere. However, since I'm a total fuel waster I have considered a plant o make it easier. Im going to laucnh a bunh of ships and part. Assemble a missive, Biuldl a space stion of other ships Im gonna sue. Launch the main ship. Make a spacestation to dock other main ships. Go to Minmus and Mun Go to Duna and Ike Go back to Kerbin Get anpther ship Go to Eve. Land on Gilly Land on Eve Go back to Kerbin Grab another ship to Moho Perform a eve assit to Kerbin. Go back to Kerbin Grab another ship Go to Dres refuel Go to Jool and do a Jool 5 Perform a Jool Tylo sssit to Eeloo Land on Eeloo return home Mght not go well
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