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Jebediah Kerman 13

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Everything posted by Jebediah Kerman 13

  1. Can someone please update the game to version 1.8.1. The mod doesn't work on 1.8.1.
  2. I have a problem with the 1.8.1 version of BDarmory. I normally put the file into the GameData file, and the game. Everything goes fine until it starts loading the Vulcan 20 mm turret. It take AGES to apply the part. How can I fix this?
  3. Im having problems with the mod because i see some part pink like the ground when I spawn the VAB and when the KSC is made better.
  4. Does it require any other mod to work because I tried to use the mod in ksp 1.10 and it kind of work. I don't know how to edit and spawn the buildings.
  5. I am having problems installing the mod to Kerbal Space Program 1.11.2. I try to put it into the GameData folder, use the Modulemanager 4.1.4, and when I start up the game, it shows the the files on the start up, but when i go to a game file I choose, I go to the Spaceplane hanger and the parts are not there on the part selection slots. I don't know what is problem and I need help.
  6. I would suggest to adding a cool foldable heat shield so when in reentry for Eve, we can unfold the shield and then after reentry, we can stow it away so it won't take a big space when landing.
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