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Everything posted by modus

  1. Wait, you can (kind off) turn it off? How?
  2. Can't reproduce it, but I wanted to place an antenna in symmetry and my whole probe was...like engulfed (is that correct english) in a big purple cube. Also, I wanted to place something using the 'blue view' thing, and suddenly the whole VAB became transparent.
  3. I think there's problems with all non-regular qwerty keyboards. I have azerty, some keys don't work or act weird.
  4. I have an azerty keyboard, think that's the problem. I changed the config for toggle map view to where my m is. That works to enter map view. To exit, I have to use the qwerty m (I think)
  5. I have to use 2 different keys to enter and exit map view. That's...weird.
  6. And you know, I'm actually not sure if there is any debris at all. I can't focus or load to it or anything.
  7. Also had this. Yelled at it to go away. Didn't work. Think I went to the main menu and back to get rid of it. The tutorial paige thing is very annoying.
  8. I...kinda like it, because I like KSP and I was looking foward to KSP2. There is a lot of room for improvement, but I was fully expecting that.
  9. So I did what I did in ksp 1, copied the Steam folder to another location and launched the game using KSP2_x64. Does anyone know where the save file is located?
  10. I can't seem to destroy debris in kerbin orbit. I can click it, confirm destruction, but nothing happens...
  11. I like the 'blue view' thing in the VAB. You (still) have to make sure your boosters are on the decouplers and not on the rocket itself.
  12. first orbit achieved! aaaand out of fuel (I have to use a different key to get in or out of map view, don't really like that)
  13. eh could you like...spare some % ? I only got 33.
  14. at 23%. little trip. growing. 24 now.
  15. bought it, waiting now, watching the cinematic
  16. So just to be sure, it's normal I can't post anything in the KSP2 section?
  17. That, and maybe he -and others- are just a bit bored by ksp1, doing the same things over and over. Yeah I noticed it too. His video was also a lot shorter than the others, but that ciuld have been because he lost a lot of his footage, as pointed out in the thread on his video. But yeah, it was like "I'm glad to be at esa for lots of space stuff, and oh btw I got to play ksp2". His conclusion was also very different than, for instance, everyday astronaut. So I also doubt if we'll get videos from him playing ksp2. I think he has just moved on from gaming, otherwise he'd play it, no matter what condition it was in at ea.
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