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Everything posted by modus

  1. Yup, same here. Duna soi points just won't show up. Maybe tomorrow they will, who knows. I do have the kerbin soi exit thing.
  2. That said, bpm (and other mods) are working as intended with the latest version, for me. I'm having no problems installing mods.
  3. Well, like my grandpa used to say: there's a mod for that! https://spacedock.info/mod/3272/Stage Info
  4. Hmm. I had this when I did some things with SpaceWarp and BepInEx. Don't really have an idea then.
  5. Put this on in the car after dropping of my daughter at a birthday party, took a detour
  6. I do like the name. D R E S..dres...it has a nice... Ring to it
  7. Yeah I'm seeing the same thing. 2 orbits that do not intersect, yet "i:1" is displayed, twice. I just for the life of me cannot get a decent encounter.
  8. I love doing simultaneous missions instead of one at a time. Without an alarm clock I totally forget about maneuvers, SOI changes, and so on. So, if there is some genious who can make an alarm clock mod (like KAC) for KSP 2, they would have my eternal gratitude.
  9. Then you probably did something wrong. Do you have a screenshot of your Gamedata KSP2 folder?
  10. modus


    Well, over to the suggestion thread, I guess
  11. Created big Totally Inefficient Transfer Ship with a lander and did landings on minmus and duna!
  12. modus


    So I don't have the game open right now, and I totally could have checked myself when I was playing earlier, but since I'm wondering right now: is commnet actually in the game? As in: with the green and right lines? The connection to the Ksc, and so on?
  13. For me this got solved, somehow, by replacing the 'doorstop_config.ini" from bepinex by the one from spacewarp.
  14. Yeah also had this with parachutes. Last night I had 4 parachutes, only 2 deployed for some reason.
  15. Did you extract every folder (there's 2) from the plugin zip in the main directory? For me it works fine.
  16. Flex a little but also autostrutted
  17. Thought this thread was about making a comm network and visualisation of comm lines. Dissapoint. So, can you visualize comm lines?
  18. Totally agree, the discussions should take place right here (and this is not meant as criticism against spacedock). All things ksp in one place, the less fragmentation of information, the better, imho.
  19. Sure: https://spacedock.info/mod/3265/SpaceWarp loader for BepInEx and https://spacedock.info/mod/3277/BepInEx Space Warp Plugin Looks like one is from mister bep, the other from team spacewarp.
  20. So what's the difference between "SpaceWarp loader for BepInEx" and "BepInEx SpaceWarp Plugin"? @HebaruSan maybe?
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