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Everything posted by modus

  1. Ah yes, sorry about that. I'm on mobile so no screenshots, but if you click on 'grimmas:patch-usi' (in the line beneath the title where it says 'grimmas wants to merge....'), then on the green 'code' button and then 'download zip', you'll download the version of the mod containing the mks/usi patches. You can either replace the whole mod folder or just extract and insert the patches.
  2. You have to update Benjee10_sharedAssets, I believe. GitHub - benjee10/Benjee10_sharedAssets: Shared assets for Benjee10 KSP mods.
  3. After skimming through about 35 pages I'm just gonna ask: does anyone have a mks and/or usi ls patch?
  4. Think there are some patches here: https://github.com/benjee10/Benjee10_MMSEV/pull/8 (if you scroll down there are some balanced ones) but I haven't used them myself for a while.
  5. I played for the first time since...some time before before ksp2 'launched'. Loved it. Totally loved it. Got all my mods plus the ones I couldn't run on my old potato (parallax, volumetric clouds, ...), started a career and had a blast. I'm so back.
  6. CommunityFixes fixes this! https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/204002-18-112-kspcommunityfixes-bugfixes-and-qol-tweaks/
  7. Of course I'm benefiting from it in playing other games, but KSP2 (and cities skylines 2...yeah) was the direct reason to buy a new rig. I was already thinking about it, but ksp2 was the perfect excuse No regrets though
  8. Time does fly...I remember being all confused when WOLF came out (the tutorial does help!), I can only say: the best way to learn it is to just try it. Experiment, fail, try again. I allways hoped something like WOLF (and MKS in general) would be in ksp2, but yeah...we all know how that went...
  9. Well, release 100 (almost 2 years ago!) was a bit of an anticlimax (like I said back then) but congrats on number 200, señor @R-T-B!
  10. Kind of like Space Engineers with KSP on top. I'd totally dig that.
  11. Have you listened to the interview with Matt Lowne? His vision and would-be approach for ksp2 are very different than what IG ended up doing.
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