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    Gets Spaghettified in Sagittarius A

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  1. Title. Had to reset my PC, luckily I had a mod list. After installing all my mods again, I noticed most engines shut down because of the error above. I have no Idea what mod is causing this. Even with Cheats. Maybe CKAN installed some dependency that wasn't present before. Could someone tell me what mod is causing this issue? Thanks.
  2. This is my Mod list: 000_ClickThroughBlocker 000_FilterExtensions 000_FilterExtensions_Configs 000_Harmony 000_TexturesUnlimited 000_Toolbar 001_ToolbarControl 3LB 999_KSP-Recall ASET Audio Muffler Redux B2L B2LWormholes B9PartSwitch B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings BDArmory BDArmorySorting BetterBurnTime BetterTimeWarp Bluedog_DB CAL CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree ContractConfigurator CRE CTTP Custom CustomAsteroids CustomBarnKit DecouplerShroud DeployableEngines DMagicScienceAnimate EditorExtensionsRedux EngineLightRelit Firespitter FreeIva FTLDriveContinued GemstoneLV HideEmptyTechTreeNodes ImprovedSystem ImprovedTreeEnginePlacement ImpulseParty INSTANTIATOR InterstellarFuelSwitch InterstellarTechnologies JanitorsCloset JSI JX2Antenna kAerospace KerbalEngineer KerbalFoundries KerbalJointReinforcement Kerbaltek Kopernicus KopernicusExpansion KopernicusExpansionExamples KSC KSPWheel MechJeb2 MechJebForAll Mk2Expansion Mk3Expansion Mk3HypersonicSystems ModularFlightIntegrator ModuleSequentialAnimateGeneric OPM OPM_AIO_DVMAP OPT OPT_Legacy OPT_Reconfig PatchManager PhysicsRangeExtender PlumeParty RaginCaucasian RealPlume RealPlume-Stock Reviva RSMP SCANsat Shabby SimpleAdjustableFairings Singularity SmokeScreen SpaceTuxLibrary Stock folder: Squad Stock folder: SquadExpansion SSTL StockWaterfallEffects SystemHeat Tantares TantaresLV ThroughTheEyes ToadicusTools TUFX TweakableEverything TweakScale TweakScaleCompanion WarpPlugin Waterfall WildBlueIndustries 999_Scale_Redist.dll Interstellar_Redist.dll ModuleManager.4.2.3.dll ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.ConfigSHA ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree toolbar-settings.dat I'll try the mod again in a stock install. Btw, CKAN Mod verison has yet to be updated.
  3. Thanks. Found it. Unfortunately I still can't get the Drive to work. It appears the Drive won't charge.
  4. Hey there, love the Idea of the Mod and would love to try it. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to use it. When I look for a part I can't find one called NRE or Nexus Realm Explorer. Could you maybe clarify how to use the Mod? (yes I may be stupid) Thanks.
  5. My KSP loading screen still responds so KSP isn't frozen but it's stuck at this Point. I had the same problem with a Mod before but deleting it resolved the issue but now its back again. I already tried verifying game files through steam but it still doesn't work. Here's the Log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13pGI6XcPFQKqmapwNn6FJPWHHrsBxIDD/view?usp=sharing
  6. I got some weird and annoying Shadow and Graphical glitches in my KSP lately. They are pretty annoying and I don't even have a ton of mods installed. I tried stock, but even in stock I got those glitches. Please help. Video: Fixed the problem, make sure to change these settings in you settings.cfg file: SHADOWS_FLIGHT_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_KSC_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_TRACKING_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_EDITORS_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_MAIN_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_DEFAULT_PROJECTION = 1
  7. My KSP keeps crashing when I try to open Save Game. Just Installed a few mods more and well, crashes. I download my mods through CKAN, would be weird if a mod would be incompatible. Also shouldn't it be a RAM problem since I recently Upgraded to 64gigs of RAM. Here's my KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13pGI6XcPFQKqmapwNn6FJPWHHrsBxIDD/view?usp=sharing
  8. Hey There, My Friend has a GTX-1050Ti and I'm not sure if he will be able to run KSP 2. He will run it on 1080p 60fps. And I will be running KSP 2 1440p 240fps with a RTX-3080Ti. Is it enough for KSP 2 at my settings?
  9. My Waterfall is broken with Blueshift. Currently playing on ksp 1.12.3 but my effects just don't show up. Is it currently broken with 1.12.3?
  10. Pls help. Tried Reinstalling the Mod(s) Waterfall and Blueshift.
  11. I'm not a Waterfall Expert, but this doesn't seem Normal at all
  12. The Ship has a Name actually. It's called the XCV-330 Enterprise.
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