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  1. I usually set the text to AAAA or something like that, bold it and use that setting that makes text wider until it fills up the whole rectangle
  2. On top of what others said, the red stripes and overall recoloring is done with conformaldecals, usually through the custom text part. The designs are a mix of real and fictional: the CRAF design is real, just as Pioneer Agena, the D-2, the IOWS and the Galactic Jupiter Probe, while Kometa is fictional (more on the design in the tantares thread), just as the LEO D-2, AAP MOL and that specific C-3 design
  3. I'd rather make one for our current one while we still have the chance
  4. They have. Aerojet is the most recent to be sued
  5. I mean, many of those are weather related. The scrub before this one for instance
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