Reduction of electric charge on your probe, also known as your home sweet home, also referred as Eve's sister, or brother.
Is Karma the title of the book my kerbal is reading to his journey to the Sun?
Thank you for dining with us, sir!
Waiter! Why is a rock from Eve in here?
And also, we must applaud the entrance of our contestant, Page #137! applause sounds
Floor 2572 ( DANG IT I ALMOST GOT NINJA'D): Neon lights galore! You like the lights so you admire them for a while, then go to the next floor but suddenly @Venusian Explorerblocks you and you try to use that one tool you got before.
I'm saying this to StarCrusher
No, I'm not working on a new mod. New video(s) and new pages on my mission report, instead!
TUBM has opinions on the weather
What a stupid question
Sir, you're in Jeb's Exotic Bowls of Soup - Very Arbitrary Laughter, or we call JEBS - VAL.
Waiter! What does JEBS - VAL mean in your restaurant?