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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. Dman’s advice is very good. Also make sure to bring Bob so that you can reset your experiments! Welcome to the forum!
  2. Uh, Yes I suppose. @MetricKerbalist hi
  3. Do we know if @adsii1970 ever got an answer to his question?
  4. I assumed it would be red. I bet it’s built into the forum software. We’ve never seen it before because there isn’t a “downvote” or something similar.
  5. Interestingly, there is a whole section of the forum for this. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/106-breaking-ground-discussion/ It’s a running joke. Also, moderators, I believe that you may need to press the lock/unlock toggle for said DCT thread. No need to check which state it’s in. I assure you there is an error.
  6. Tried to pull my photos from Wallops off my camera but I couldn’t find the cable oh well. I’ll look tomorrow.
  7. With the power of WD40 there no way they can stop the clicks!
  8. A good one! Beware the threadlockers! They’re here to lock your threads! Also click!
  9. I have the same reputation as the year Apollo 11 launched!

    funny number haha

  10. EPIC!!!! If I’ve got this right, these are special science modules for the megalab? Also, maybe a glimpse of what the Cupola might look like??
  12. Yes! Not so sure about that…. I’ve seen you around here quite a bit.
  13. Congratulations!!! I’m sure someone over at Wired is a big fan of your mods and jumped at the chance to interview their creator
  14. Alas, the venerable Spiff has explored harsher worlds than that! Surely I am capable of besting a Venusian!
  15. It’s very to hard tell from the video as it’s very short, but if I had to guess it’s actually a TUFX ambient occlusion issue.
  16. Welcome to the forums @ItsAslan! Can you elaborate on your issue? The latest version of KSP is 1.11.2
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