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Everything posted by Dientus

  1. Banned for thinking he prefers a traditional chapiteau circus over a modern contemporary circus.
  2. "Now that I am here I am off to see the Kerbal Face"
  3. If I aim this millimeter wave radar skywards, will this audi stop for birds?
  4. Granted. But its transliterated into MS wingdings font and no one can read it so mods delete it. I wish to get enough work to stay busy but not so much its hectic.
  5. Banned for not making an SSTO in KSP 1.12
  6. This thread has me remembering a lot... This is actually what I consider to be a very good and beautiful song.
  7. Banned for ambiguous use of North America the continent and America the country.
  8. I would like to express my welcome to every new member of the forum. My cognomen is Dientus which derives out of the very obsolete Homeric tongue disliked by kids everywhere in schools worldwide. Considered to be senescent by some, I do not believe this to be true. However I try to respect everyone's opinion even if I dispute the thesis of their professings. Should fellow forum members ever feel offended I hope they believe discussing it would be productive. Now, CHEERS to KSP's JUBILEE!!!!! Jump on the HYPE ENGINE!
  9. Banned for living in the cold.
  10. Is the Hype train moving again? What?! KSP2!!! Woooo wooooo!!!
  11. Nice. I will have to dig in the forums to see what my predicted date was originally now Definitely sounds promising.
  12. That good sir, is your super power! * @Wizard Kerbal I wear glasses myself, I like it because if anybody is using the grinding wheel .... Automatic eye protection! There is an anti fogging spray that works great!
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