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Everything posted by Dientus

  1. I agree 100 percent. Afterall the laws are written by lawyers for lawyers, with over exuberant details that is in my view asinine. If the laws were written in plain speak for the common man, lawyers wouldn't be needed hardly at all. But thats where theis comes in.... I can say, ok. Maybe the coffee is hotter than a person is normally used to. But even conceding that point, doesn't it seem like the ability to sue for an unlimited total sum of money is ridiculous? Afterall anyone involved in any level of business knows that no business ever pays for anything (ok realistically, seldom pays for much). They make their customers pay for it in many ways. One example of this is the coal ash spill of North Carolina, USA. The state government fined the company for poisoning people's water supply. Entire towns had no water and people got sick from a company's greed and carelessness. However after the fine, the local bill for electricity went UP to cover the cost of the fine and cleanup, and was ok'ed by the same governing body that issued the fine. So what was the point? More money was taken from the consumer and the company continues. Another example is the Exxon Valdez spill. I watched Exxon stations have gas 10 cents more than others for many months. My point is simply had you sued, I am sure you would have went for only doctor bills at best (assumption mind you) not sued for a million dollars for it. That at least in my mind is a better argument than unlimited punitive damages @StrandedonEarth
  2. Very nice!!! Predictions on point! Good call @Spaceman.Spiff
  3. @pandaman @shdwlrd I decided to start a separate thread because the line of discussion was getting off topic and I really felt there was more to add to that particular discussion. Common sense is basically the practical application of intellect. As an example when it's raining your intellect tells you that it's raining, however it is your common sense that relates it to other information that tells you if you stay in the rain you will get wet and could possibly get sick as well. I do understand that the labels on hot coffee stating the obvious, that the coffee is hot, is to avoid legal action against whomever may see an opportunity to attempt to make money off of an establishment in punitive damages through liability. However I argue that common sense says that such a case should never be allowed in the courts let alone should the person be rewarded damages due to their own negligence or lack of common Sense. Again, intellect tells us that the coffee is going to be hot, common sense tells us that if we get it on our skin it could very well burn us to an extreme. Anybody who has ever drank coffee should know this. In my opinion allowing such cases and such ridiculous assignment of liability to where we do not shoulder the blame of our own actions is in part, albeit not completely, a large reason why there are such issues in Western society today where people in general cannot seem to take responsibility for their own actions. I admit that Wikipedia is definitely NOT the best place for Rock solid info, however I think it suffices for our purposes as in the very case that created for North America at least the need for that label on coffee. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebeck_v._McDonald's_Restaurants I am of the opinion that she knew it was hot coffee she made the choice to take the lid off the top knowing cups are flimsy she made the choice to put it between her legs and thus any resulting damage is her own responsibility. Since that is not the case in our world today, companies including the one that I work for, spend millions of dollars in ways to avoid litigation thus driving up prices for goods and services. Someone has to pay for those lawyers. I admit that that is also not the FULL story on overall product pricing, however it definitely plays a part in the end cost to consumers. Opinions? Elaborations? Different Views?
  4. I myself like them and fully acknowledge @pandaman statement, however, I have learned in this modern world to never take common sense for granted. Hence labels on coffe that say "caution hot!"
  5. Opinions: Do you like this style... Yes Will it be helpful to new players... No What I would do different... A voice explanation would help those who don't learn visually, with closed captioning available. Then a note at the beginning that suggests that the volume could be turned off and/or captions toggled. The goal would be to help as many people as possible off of one piece of media and cut time from making multiple tutorials and possibly bogging down forums with repeated questions that are similar. Just my view... And yes... Calming British voice would be nice addition.
  6. I like the design, looks good! Besides you can never overdo lifting power
  7. Funny, but actually no. TUBM is not much into health but is into champagne.
  8. This one still pops up in my head now and again as well.
  9. This is how i do my larger ships. Assemble in VAB making sure the finished product has thrust aligned with CoM. Also, I use docking port SR. I have not tried to use struts to tie it all together after it's assembled in orbit (using engineers) because at one time it was buggy, but if that has been fixed then you can use those to make your craft more stable as well.
  10. I saw it, going to street view breaks the illusion tho.
  11. Granted. But 3 seconds later you realize it was all a simulation and your happiness turns to sadness. I wish the letters K, S, and P would not appear in the megathread even if typed in a reply.
  12. Thanks for that! Merchandise eh? Maybe @Spaceman.Spiff and I can finally get our Jeb plushies!!!
  13. I know with normal mergers in the business world all you will ever hear is all the good, none of the bad. I don't know how similar this is to the business model, but I like to think it's better than that and all of Squad kept their jobs and are adding huge helping hands to the KSP 2 project that is boosting it ever quicker to a release date before our predictions. As far as facts go I have no clue to where to begin to speculate because in the normal business world mergers or takeovers rarely happen without a lot of "bloodshed".
  14. That is very true and speaking for myself I would be happy with just that. I definitely realize that there is literally a ton of things just not ready, or not ready enough in its current state. To expand on this, Again I concede this point. That is why we likely won't see anything close to what most would consider ideal as far as a "sneak peek" goes. No need to have people jumping ship over assumptions before its necessary (Production and Sales point of view) And because of that.... This \/ However at the end of the day, even though it may very well be like asking for the Mun itself, I want to see the game too. Hopefully enough sabre rattling will draw out tidbits to give me better ideas than the ones I have now.
  15. For me I don't think about it quite so much as "blind hype" as it is that I just want to see what the developers are aiming for gameplay wise. To elaborate, will there be any strategy, what level of management will there be, will there be what I consider tedious grind in it, will there be an end game (by this I mean comparable to No Man's sky) or will it stay open-ended as KSP is, and will the developers vision of the game match my own and make me wish to buy it? There are games that I have been duped by through (my view) misleading glimpses into what their game is. And I have purchased games based upon the previous original where it turns out the sequel was not near as good gameplay wise. You're right. Cyberpunk is a good example where time was wasted creating a type of "gameplay peek" that could have been better spent on the game itself. That is definitely something I would like to not happen with KSP2. But because they are games on different levels I suspect that Intercept Games would not attempt such a farce, though I could be wrong. To summarize, I would still like to see more gameplay from the devs. But if it doesn't happen it's not like I am totally signing off on KSP 2 all together either. I would rather they spend the time on the game and see game play a month before release then seeing some hacked together bologna now.
  16. Oh Posty Days! How I have missed you Post! Now I can post the post and be post about it!!! Post
  17. Banned for photo location discrimination.
  18. @Ben J. Kerman granted, but after you send the first command to the toy, it gains sentience and lifts your lego container and runs away with it. @kerbiloid (Implied you meaning, poster above) granted, and after it recieves it's first command from Ben it also gains sentience and cames to your (kerbiloid) house and lifts your lego container and runs away with it as well. I wish for socks with no holes.
  19. No, but I think they're kewl. TUBM doesn't watch news feeds.
  20. Banned for forgetting it is scheduled to open, and for mentioning permaban.
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