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Everything posted by Dientus

  1. Duck out or goose out? What do you think @Kerbaloid
  2. But then can you be sure if they are? And what constitutes ownership? Can any animal or any object truly be "owned"? Are people the only ones who can be pwned? If you mow the yard did you just pwn the grass and weeds?
  3. LoL yeah I was shooting for someone who posted recently instead of someone like @what-the
  4. Now that it is a stock thing, that would be nice to come across an extra set of tanks or even a solar panel. I know it would do nothing for gameplay but it would help with immersion.
  5. Pretty much like everything during about a 30-year span, really nice ideas but not very practical in real life use. Such as this beauty....
  6. Opposite don't name the next one eh, what about digging through forum archives getting people no longer on? @Vanamonde
  7. Well, we all know we REALLY want this suit for AC but the cost and weight are prohibitive.
  8. Banned for discrimination against RTX useage on a public forum
  9. Banned for forgetting what kind of people inhabit the forum... AND for over confidence... Double banned
  10. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Intelligent-three-speed-Summer-Cooling-Clothes-Set-USB-Air-Conditioning-Suit-With-Fan-UV-Protection-Wear/720844921?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101058719&&adid=22222222228439049701&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=519612154209&wl4=aud-1028050746378:pla-1254044194945&wl5=9008491&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=353104577&wl11=online&wl12=720844921&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAjwtdeFBhBAEiwAKOIy55_IXQJ61kPEQu6LaPcvL08MTD4m7veNLCfk68Uu0q3cIsGbfw5pbhoCrjoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  11. Banned for not including time dilation or Tardis'
  12. 5/10 Seeing you more often these days.
  13. Banned for not realizing that the life of a Friday is shorter than the life of a Monday.
  14. That is just crazy plausible enough... Yep there went my mind too. To match KSP2... Hmmmm
  15. Looks like its coming together rather nicely. I like the direction its going. @Nate Simpson Docks you say? Would the blue rectangles at the beginning be water?
  16. Or maybe will be soon? @Sidestrafe2462
  17. Banned for promoting SpaceX shamelessly
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