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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Banned for not realizing that this is not, in fact, a forum for anything other than Kerbal Space Program, regardless of the amount or type of Lounge games being played.
  2. Granted. Your soul is in the possession of the devil, mate. I wish Australia was closer to my house.
  3. Ooh, too bad you only have stock parts. I install Kopernicus and head for Duna.
  4. There is a reason that should have been forgotten. And darn you to heck for making us remember!
  5. It's an interesting conundrum, to be sure. As I mentioned in my original post, we get into splitting hairs about what one would know from playing the game vs. what one would know from extensive testing. It's one thing to know that a particular craft you've built in other career saves will be able to do x, but entirely different to build and rebuild and rebuild in several different ways to find out how to push the limit of what it can do just so you can complete a challenge and earn that coveted badge. Where does the line get drawn? What separates the two? If someone knows, then they are smarter than I am. To your question, I'm not sure there is a real solution here, other than "Don't Ask/Don't Tell". I mean, this whole thing wouldn't have come up if the original poster hadn't explicitly come out and stated what they were doing. Had he not said anything, nobody would have asked if he was testing outside the Caveman career he had going on for the NCD difficulty. But, if you are looking for an honest, let's-try-this-and-see-what-happens solution... Perhaps make it a rule that, in order to try any difficulty harder than Normal, you must complete the easier difficulties in order? For example, if you want to do Moderate, you have to do Normal first. You want to do NCD, then you have to complete Apatite, Vandadium, Topaz, Corundum, and Diamond - in that order - before attempting and submitting NCD? I don't know if it's a good idea, but it's the one I have.
  6. Venera IV And that completes Venera IV.
  7. For starters, I'll point you to the help guide. Yes, I know you are posting in the sub-forum for installs without mods. But there's a lot of good advice in this topic. Secondly, do you have screen shots of the craft in the VAB? Also, can you bring up the debug menu (ALT + F12) and check to make sure you don't have input locks...locked?
  8. And Spock vaporizes Rock. Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock. Look it up.
  9. And that someone is my wife. TUBM needs to go grocery shopping.
  10. Granted. There are so many of them that they take up the entire screen, leaving no room for any forum posting. I wish Jebediah Kerman was real.
  11. With Clint Eastwood. Heartbreak Ridge.
  12. Banned for continuing to not announce the new page. It's a new page, by the way. Several posts ago, but someone has to announce it.
  13. First, you forgot to put a probe core on the rover, so you need Kerbals on this mission. Of course, the Kerbals are all incompetent and cannot drive the rover, especially when you gave it no steering controls. Oh, they can go in a straight line, but the deli is to your right. Speaking of the deli, it's closed right now for repairs. It is scheduled to open in a few months once the repairs are done, so you can sit and wait outside the door for a while to get the sandwich. Oh, what kind of sandwich did you want? Yeah, fresh out of the ingredients for that. I have a probe with a scanner on it that I'll be sending to Duna and Gilly to map the terrain for ore deposits. It is currently connected to my orbiting space station at 150km above Kerbin, and will be docking with Mars II shortly.
  14. The sky didn't fall. If flying is the art of throwing yourself at the ground and missing, why isn't falling the art of throwing yourself at the sky and missing?
  15. It's been a couple of hot minutes since I worked on this. I got distracted last week by multiple things in KSP, not the least of which is my current career save where I'm learning ISRU. Gemini XI / ATV And that completes Gemini XI / ATV.
  16. You know what I like most about KSP? The nearly endless way you can put pieces and parts together to create rockets and stuff. @jinnantonix, you just gave me a whole bunch of ideas thanks to your use of the separatrons. Well done! And the next mission for me!
  17. I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species, and I realised that humans are not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment; but you humans do not. Instead you multiply, and multiply, until every resource is consumed. The only way for you to survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern... a virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer on this planet, you are a plague, and we... are the cure.
  18. Banned. Rocket-propelled chainsaw-wielding raptor > samurai. And pirates. And ninjas.
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