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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. I took a small break from the Historical Space Race challenge (shameless plug!) to focus on finishing out some science I need to get some parts so I can start building a space station in my career game. So I sent a rocket to Gilly to get some science, primarily because it's one of the few bodies I've never landed on in the game before, and I thought "Hey, it's close, I should be able to do this with minimal dV". Built a rocket, sent a crew of 3 to Gilly, and dropped the lander on the surface of the rock. Oh my dear lord did that take a long time. It seems that gravity on Gilly is more of a guideline than an actual rule, isn't it? Take one step...watch your Kerbal jump and go flying far away from the lander. Turn around and take a step...and watch your Kerbal go flying over the lander. Wow was that painful. And slow. But I was finally able to get off that asteroid and get back to Kerbin with some dV to spare and all that sweet, tasty science. Opened up 2 nodes (Meta-Materials, Very Heavy Rocketry), so now I can start working on a permanent home for all of those Kerbals that keep getting stuck in LKO that I gotta go retrieve.
  2. @jinnantonix You need shots from the rocket in orbit, as well as its flight path, in order for it to count. Simply sitting it on the launchpad doesn't show that the launch succeeded.
  3. A beard in your avatar? The definition of a cheater!
  4. One bowl of spiky eyes coming right up! Waiter, I'd like to add an order of chicken skin, please.
  5. Either prioritization needs to be built in OR the game prompts for user input as to which one to follow?
  6. Well, in the VAB I know there is a Description area right under the name of the ship. I'm just not sure if it's accessible anywhere outside the VAB.
  7. This reminds me of a thought I've had about KSP for a while now. I used to play a lot of Civilization back in the day, and one of the best things in that game was the "Go To" command. Do you have a bunch of troops all moving in different directions and you can't keep track with which one is going where or why half the time? Right-click, select GoTo, click on the destination, and let the computer manage that troop's (or settlers, or whatever's) movement until they get to their destination. In addition to that, I used to play a lot of old-school Railroad Tycoon. One of the best commands in that game was "Wait until Loaded". That's right - you get a train to wherever it is supposed to pick up cargo, and you set Wait Until Loaded so that it doesn't leave the station to its next destination until the train is fully loaded with cargo. This, in conjunction with the concept of GoTo from Civilization, allowed you to build a train, set the station priority and destinations (in order, no less), and then have it not only do your automated bidding, but wait at each station until it had a full load of cargo before setting off on its next destination. Why is that important? Because I wish KSP implemented these concepts. I love the early stages of the game where you are building and setting out at first, and then you get to build your first colony or space station or what-have-you. And then you end up with a bunch of things all going on at once, and even setting alarms with KAC you can't keep them all straight. I'd love it if, in KSP, you could just build a ship and then give it orders to follow and it did them without having to micro-manage the ship. Need it to fly to the Mun, pick up some ore, run to the space station to get it refined, refuel and fly off to Duna to drop off the load of fuel, and then go back the Mun to do the same trip again? Or do you need to shuttle passengers to/from some remote outpost on Dres? What about, assuming you have the mods installed, picking up precious metals for funds generation? Or building parts in space? Man, I wish that was in the game. And I hope it makes its way into KSP2, at least as an option so those of us who want to use it can. That actually sounds like a decent idea for a mod, now that I think about it.
  8. @18Watt You are missing recovery/Kerbin landed shots from Voskhod 2, Gemini 3, Gemini 6 and Gemini 7. You are also missing the EVA shot from Voskhod 2. I cannot call you complete through Luna IX without those shots, unfortunately. I mean, I know you did it. But in the interest of challenge fairness to anyone who participates, you gotta have those shots. I'll mark you complete through Syncom 3, and then I can update the leaderboard once you get those shots in.
  9. And quite possibly one of the easiest flights I'll do in this challenge. Voskhod II And this completes Voskhod II.
  10. That would put you in the full modded category as it alters gameplay or parts.
  11. Incorrect. KER and MJ put you in the Stock Parts/Modded category, and both are stated as being allowed.
  12. I had to switch to sandbox to launch the X15 because I didn't have the parts. And I'm not even gaining much science any longer as I am trying to keep this close to history, so I'm not loading up on gadgets to get science with. This may truly end up being a sandbox challenge.
  13. So while the wife is watching QVC, I'm launching stuff into outer space. Sounds right to me.
  14. And a couple more missions today. Syncom II Syncom III And that completes Syncom II and Syncom III.
  15. You are correct. I have been having to hunt down information (which is almost as fun as the challenge itself) and I read the wrong paragraph. https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/tag/balls-8/ The X-15 had an original planned altitude of 31000m, and I interpreted that as the drop height. Either way, the craft i used had problems getting to and maintaining 7500m, or just over half what I should have gotten before drop. But the X-15 did reach the target altitude of 106km.
  16. @daanm I will point you to the support thread, which literally outlines what you need to provide us so we can help you. You have to give us more than simply "i can't play"; we can't help you if you don't provide specific information.
  17. X-15 Flight 90. The hardest thing I've ever done in this game.
  18. And quite possibly the hardest mission I've ever undertaken. I'll be honest and up front and say that this did not live up to historical expectations, nor did it end the way it honestly should have. I may end up trying to pull this off again multiple times, but for now, I'm calling this one complete. X-15 Flight 90 This completes X-15 Flight 90
  19. When you can quote passages from multiple early edition Dungeons and Dragons books. Verbatim. You know, stuff like the diet of the Tarrasque, or when Elminster learned specific spells.
  20. Catnip. Why do we have the TV on when neither of us is actually watching it?
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