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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. I think I'll wait to answer this until I get the game and see the layout of the tech tree and contracts.
  2. I've been busy today. Discoverer I And that complete Discoverer I.
  3. I have not seen this, but I wonder if the contract might be taking into account that the part will be in Duna's SOI when you get there? And yes, things get thrown out of Duna's SOI all the time. I've personally had craft in orbit of Duna waiting on a transfer window to get home, only to have them ejected at some point into solar orbit, messing up my window and dV calculations. It happens.
  4. And back to the Soviets. Luna I This completes Luna I.
  5. I watched the video when it came up in my FB feed, and man oh man is that pretty! If you didn't know this was a game, you'd never know it's a game.
  6. So, to this point, I've been focusing on the Soviet portion of the space race. Not out of choice, but because the first 3 historical launches that count (all World's Firsts) were done by the Soviets. So I've been launching strictly from the Desert Complex, which means I have only been able to farm science from that location. However, with Vanguard I, I get to launch from the KSC, which allows me to farm science at the KSC. Which I did prior to creating and launching Vanguard I. Doing this got me enough science to unlock Basic Science and Fight Control (which I seriously need). Vanguard I And that completes Vanguard I.
  7. I laughed so hard at this my wife had to ask what was going on. When I told her it was just something on the KSP forum she rolled her eyes and walked away.
  8. KSP2 will make 8-bit graphics look like the latest and greatest.
  9. Banned for not launching anything for the Historical Space Race yet.
  10. No, I am not. TUBM is quite adept at performing complicated orbital maneuvers and gravity assists...without the assitance of mods.
  11. You can light the rocket at the same time you decouple, which is what I generally do. If you are finding your boosters are still exploding and crashing into your main rocket, you can use Separatrons to help push the spent tanks/engines away.
  12. And I've got a few more updates to my mod list. This morning I added US Probes and US Rockets, primarily so I can get historical accuracy as I start working along the American lines (which is coming up soon). Sputnik II And that completes Sputnik II.
  13. I have added you to the participants list, under the category of Stock/Unmodded. If that's incorrect, let me know and I'll update! @Akagi, if you can confirm for me what category you are doing this as I can add you as well!
  14. Well, they display in CKAN...but they don't have the ability to be installed. I can right-click and download, then unzip and drop in the GameData folder myself, which I did for the SP...and they didn't show up in the game. Overall, it's not all that critical; I can use Raidernick's probes with Beale's rocket parts to accomplish what I need to accomplish.
  15. And historically accurate to boot. I wish for this thread to be reset and start over.
  16. Kerbal Space Ragan has the beast pocket stimulator game of all time (Rip the Voyager)
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