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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Granted. That's where the "Oops, Wrong Game" thread came from. I wish I had known about KSP in the early days so I could have created a mod.
  2. I am still working on this. I just can't seem to land on Eve; her atmosphere is proving to be...problematic. I'm close, but not quite there yet.
  3. I think enough Kerbals die from poor planning and accidental button presses; we can spare them from yet another way to die.
  4. I dont know much about EVA construction, but have you checked the vessel's control point to make sure it is oriented properly?
  5. This is why I stick to stock parts and planets. I've got a decent-enough load time (~90 seconds), and I don't want to muck that up with a bajillion parts or planets I'll never even use.
  6. Isn't the only correct answer to this question "moar"?
  7. I may be in the minority here, but I'm not at all anxious over when KSP2 is gonna drop. There are so many things I still want to do in KSP that I can't possibly complete them all before KSP2 is here. So I'm just focusing on doing that stuff, which frees me from worrying about KSP2. When it gets here, the devs will get my money.
  8. It is pretty much gone unless you backed it up manually. The good thing, however, is that you get to start over with all those ideas you got while playing through the save that is gone.
  9. Granted: Mushroom walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender looks at the mushroom and says "We don't serve your kind in here". The mushrrom asks "Why not? I'm a fun guy." I wish I didn't know that joke.
  10. Follow the spiders? Why can't it be "follow the butterflies"? - Ronald Weasley, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  11. Am I to understsnd that we have to take the craft file and download it and modify it so it costs less than 10k? Or...?
  12. Real life is far more important than KSP. You do what you gotta do to be happy and right. With that said, I grabbed the badge fir completing the challenge on normal. But I would like verification to be official when you have time.
  13. Again, only on mundays. When you open a bag of cottonballs, are you supposed to throw the first one away?
  14. It is found by pressing CTRL+ALT+F12, and then clicking on Cheats. It would be game-widez but I've seen some weird stuff happen before. Also, it can't hurt to check the Mj settings. Again I've seen weird stuff happen in this game.
  15. It is interesting that the staging on the left side all shows 0 m/s of dV, even though the graphics show the craft has liquid fuel. I wonder if there is a setting in MJ or in the dV button that is turned on or something that is causing this? Perhaps a check of the debug menu to make sure Infinite Propellant isn't somehow turned on?
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