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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Banned for CKAN. Oh llok a new page.
  2. One sentence to annoy an entire fan base? Instagram is just Twitter for people who can't read.
  3. Again, I was using Matt's video. Which is old and probably from a version where Eve wasn't a train wreck in high heels.
  4. At this point, the only thing I can think of is that you need reaction wheels of some kind on the craft. I'm not sure of the gimbal capabilities of the engine you are using (I'd have to fire up KSP and look at it to know for sure), but if you can't even steer that's the most likely culprit. Heck, that ship is large and in charge, and you may find steering an issue overall. This is about the last suggestion I have. You could also perhaps put a couple Vernor engines on that thing and turn on RCS and see if you can turn it then?
  5. Well, fudge it. I'm adding the badge I made to my signature. I finished this challenge, dag-nabbit!
  6. Well, I'm getting closer. Set the initial descent Pe to 80km, and after 3 passes I was on my way towards actual land. I got to about 55km, at which point the inflatable heat shields were no longer useful (heat effects ended). I thought "Damn, I'm gonna hit land on this one!". And I was right...except I should have stated HOW I was gonna hit land. See, I went to decouple the heat shields, both top and bottom. The bottom ones came off with no problem. The top ones? Too close to the stuff at the top of the craft, and so my science junior, half my parachutes, and, most importantly, the docking port all went up in a ball of gas and flame. I thought, just for kicks, I'd still try to put this thing on the ground just to say I can. And I hit the ground. HARD. Poor Bob is now just another Kerbal sacrificed to the Eve gods. But, as I said, I'm getting closer. I know that I have to alter the craft again to move those upper heat shields farther away from the top of the craft so as to not muck up (and yes, I am currently thinking of a word that rhymes with muck) my next attempt at landing. I will get this done! As an aside, I figured out that the Terrier engine behind that decoupler in the middle of the craft was what was overheating. And it was due to a very steep descent profile. Thanks all for helping me get the descent profile corrected!
  7. What? My post is valid, so I don't get why you went back to -9 when you posted AFTER me?
  8. That'd be a black hole sun. In case anyone was wondering.
  9. @immolated I have no experience with the stock clock in 1.12, but I can suggest and highly recommend using Kerbal Alarm Clock. It works like a charm.
  10. I assume it's overheating...although why only that 1 part and nothing else around it? That part overheats (or gets excess g's in entry) and then blows up, which splits the ship in half and causes the rest of it to blow up. I am hoping that a shallower entry as has been suggested is the answer here.
  11. See, this is what I get for listening to Matt. His video shows him aiming for 15-20km. I'm going to make a few adjustments to the craft and try again today.
  12. I'll echo what modus said about checking electrical power. Also, can you clarify what you mean by "limited control"? Can you not turn or alter trajectory, or can you not fire engines, or...?
  13. What Pe should I be aiming for upon entry then? I know I don't need to get to the ground with my initial descent because the chutes and gravity should take care of issues. But if 10km is too deep, where should I be aiming?
  14. @18Watt So, I flipped the top inflatable heat shields, and they didn't burn up. Can't believe I missed that. Unfortunately, something on/near the decoupler in the middle of the ship is overheating way too fast, causing the ship to crack in half and blow up. The decoupler I'm talking about is right at the midpoint of the vessel, just under the landing legs. I tried putting small radiators there to wick away the heat, but they aren't working. This is a design by Matt that, according to his video, works. I wonder if I'm coming in too hot perhaps? Maybe need to bring the Ap down before I start my descent? I'm not sure what is happening here, but at least I'm not flipping over any longer. Might have to take this back to the drawing board for an entry vehicle.
  15. I would...if I could manually land worth more than half a damn. I know that I'll need all the spare dV I can to get off Eve; with all the effort I've put into it thus far, I already know and am planning for more tweaks to the craft before I get a successful touchdown and exit from Eve.
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