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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. The Caveman zchallenge is to get 1188 science points and unlock all of Tier v without upgrading any buildings. The command seat is beyond that, I am afraid.
  2. This particular contract indicates that you have to be traveling at a certain speed (280 m/s to 450 m/s) at a certain altitude (30,000m to 36,000m). The screen shot you shared shows that you are landed, so I can't state whether or not you hit those parameters during flight. Simply having the part is not enough; you have to meet all the requirements in the contract.
  3. Any chance of sharing the save file itself? I am wondering if this might be related to an update gone wrong, or something in the save file itself has corrupted that could be corrected with some editing? Also, any chance of uninstalling those manual mods and installing them through CKAN?
  4. Granted. ZX Spectrum achieves 4GB of RAM 1 second before your untimely death. I wish I would have known that you were going through this and that I was the only person that could be able to help.
  5. And it is too warm for the snowballs, so they melt. Ocean.
  6. The path shows it is on your hard drive...which we dont have access to. You will need to upload this to a third party site like Imgur and then link here.
  7. Over the course of the last 3 days, I started and finished a Caveman Challenge on Normal difficulty.
  8. Another attempt at a Caveman challenge career. In the last one I got several steps away from finishing…and then the science just bottomed out. I could have continued to grind away, but I’m not sure I could have done anything to actually finish. So I start again. My settings: Just your ordinary, average Normal settings. Tier II Tier III Tier IV Tier V Final Screenshots Assuming I have read and followed the rules appropriately, this completes the Caveman Challenge on normal. I would like to get verification/validation from @JAFO or @Mr. Peabody as they are the ones who were/have been running this challenge for some time. In their stead, should either of them be unable to verify/validate, if I could get someone who has successfully completed this challenge on normal or harder to check my work, I would be forever grateful! I will say, in semi-closing, that this challenge was fun as heck to do. I totally dug having to think outside the box a bit to get those sweet science points. Once this entry is validated, I might turn the heat up and try again!
  9. Yeah, after re-reading your post that makes total sense in when the kraken shows up. It is honestly too bad that the external command seat isn't available until way later in the game. Although, I'm wondering if it may have something to do with WHERE the service module is as much as with the Kerbal's head being clipped. That module is directly beneath the command pod. What happens if you flip where the service module and the SC-9001 are? Same effect?
  10. I believe it's something that was allowable in really early versions of the game that they "corrected" in later versions. And, based on the description you gave there, it seems this wouldn't be allowable due to the kraken ladder drive effect.
  11. Granted. Lex Luthor is now part of Star Trek canon. I wish Jon Cryer had never been cast as Lex Luthor.
  12. Granted. You get beaten up by the father of the baby you took it from. I wish that I was a transformer.
  13. Huh. I know I'm running an older version (1.8.1), so I wonder if this is the reason? Again, I don't have any mods that would do this.
  14. I wonder if it isn't doing it because it's a probe? Can you check to see if you can see it using a piloted command module?
  15. So am I. Check the following screen shot: In the lower left hand corner, if you click the purple button you get Ap/Pe information. You don't get time to Ap/Pe, but you still get in-flight Ap/Pe values. Also, if you look in the center of the image, you can right-click on the markers in the map view and get the values. This is an unmodded (I have TWP, KAC, and Atmospheric Effects installed, none of which alter gameplay or physics) version of KSP, and this is stock functionality.
  16. Oh, certainly not. Perhaps @adsii1970?
  17. That's not entirely accurate. You can see the Ap and Pe markers on the map screen regardless of building upgrades, and you can even right-click on them and see their values. Additionally, you can click on the little purple button (maneuvers) in the lower left corner of the screen and see the Ap and Pe values. What you cannot do without upgrading Mission Control and the Tracking Station (both to level 2) is create maneuver nodes or see time to Ap/Pe (same purple button in the lower left corner). But, we will need @enio to be a little more specific as to what his actual question is (with screenshots, if possible) to know what is going on here.
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