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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. This morning I continued working on the Nebuchadnezzar, attempting to craft the fuel depot portion of this thing. However, I realized that I did not have anything related to ISRU - no tanks, no drills, no converters (if those are a thing; I've never done ISRU in this game before!). So adding a fuel depot to the station wasn't going to get me anything at this point. I needed science points because, thankfully, the beginnings of ISRU are on the tier I'm currently working on. I casually waltzed into Mission Control and started poring over the various contracts different agencies wanted me to deal with. And looking through them, I found one to go start investigating Duna. Just a simple fly-by and some science. I can handle that, so I sent Jeb and Bob on a quest to go to Duna. And as soon as I hit Duna's SOI, a contract popped up to get into orbit of Duna. And after fiddling around with the maneuver node a bit in Duna's SOI, I realized I could swing into low Duna orbit, hit the thrusters and get an encounter with Ike. So I did that, collected all the science there (both high and low), and managed to snag this shot: Once I got all the sweet science points from Ike, I fired the rocket again and got into Duna orbit to complete that contract. By the time Jeb and Bob got home, I had collected 3,020 science points through gadgetry and contractual obligations. And thanks to that, I was able to open up the nodes to start dealing with ISRU. So now, tomorrow, I'll get to continue working on the station.
  2. Banned by a man with a slow hand.
  3. Ah, re-read my statement. No communication on what they are working on in the last month. It's been more than a month since the last KERB dropped, and no communication.
  4. Exactly. I had to go get clarification on Discord as to what they meant by a monthly cadence for KERB reports. I assumed it was 1 month since the last one dropped, but they came out and said that it could be anytime within a given month. My thought at this point is that we might get one in April, but it's more likely May for their "restart" of the KERBs. Then we should get one in June, but more than likely it'll be the end of June. Which means we will always end up going 2 or more months between them. Patches? Don't get me started. We've had 1 major content update and 6 total patches in 14 months. The only content update was December 2023, and the only patch since then was in January 2024. So it's already been 3 months since the last patch, with no communication on what they are even working on in the last month. I'm not trying to be all "the sky is falling" here, but it isn't looking very good right now. I sincerely hope they prove me wrong. And until the next patch drops, I'm not even firing up KSP2; I completed the story missions, and there isn't anything left to give me direction in the game. Not yet, anyhow.
  5. Continuing on today with my space station, the Nebuchadnezzar. For those of you who haven't seen it, or who don't want to go looking back through this thread, the inspiration for the station: Space Stations Creator - 3D model by Ebal Studios (@EbalStudios) [5d33a66] (sketchfab.com) Today's challenge is to put the ring section on the station. KSP1 wasn't initially designed to handle circular station parts...but we all know that it can be done. We've seen it before. So I thought I'd give it a shot. For anyone who says you cannot build one, I give you the night launch shot: Yeah, that doesn't really show a ring, does it? It's there; you'll see it in the next shot. You will notice a few things here: A boatload of struts. I could have gone the auto-strut route with this, but I didn't want to do that. There are fuel tanks both above AND below the ring section. This was done to keep CoM in a stable place, lest the thing tip over mid-flight. Red lights everywhere. I have decided that I'm going to put lights on every section of the station, with different colors for different meanings. Blinking blue (from the command module already in space) is for communications, while solid red is for crew compartments. This thing has a mobile lab AND multiple crew cabins, so I threw a bunch of red on there. Anyhow, let's get to where this thing is docked, shall we? If anyone ever tells you that you have to send up a circular ring section in pieces and assemble them in orbit, tell them they are lying. It can be sent up as one entire build...assuming you fly carefully. So now we have the initial command module, some solar panels, some antenna, a mobile lab, and a lot of crew compartments. There are 5 open docking ports - one on each spoke facing outward and away from the center, and one underneath the ring section facing downward and on the central stack. We still don't have any crew on this thing; I'm waiting for the inevitable contract to transfer crew between vessels to come up before I send anyone up there. I mean, I'll be adding pieces to this thing the whole time, so why not get paid to abandon a Kerbal up there? And that's it for today. Tomorrow I'll continue building downwards...but I'm not sure what to make of the components in the inspirational model. There's no instructions, so I'll be winging it with what I put up there!
  6. And I couldn't be more clear as to what was stated in the Discord. KERB is going monthly, but we don't know when the next monthly cycle will start because Mike is working on the internal calendar. Patches are anybody's guess as nobody has stated anything about when they are coming.
  7. Mike confirmed on Discord earlier this week that he is working on their internal calendar, and it won't be until after he gets that done that we'll get an update. Whether that's a patch or a KERB or what we don't know. And I made multiple posts about it: So I'm not sure where you are getting it that sometime in the next 10 or so days we may get something. The last KERB dropped on 3/11, one month from then was 4/11, I speculated we would get one 4/12, but both Mike and Darrin confirmed that was inaccurate and they don't know when the next monthly cycle for KERBs will start.
  8. No, it would be tread. When considering the spelling of words in the English language, why is it "comb" and not "gcome" when it's "gnome" and not "nomb"?
  9. And if you think the entire team I'm part of is only developers and automation jockeys, then you seriously have no idea how business works. In my role, I would never - NEVER - push out new content knowing that we have bugs in the existing code. Our first priority is to always fix the bugs we know about, push that out to make sure it is fixed, and only then will we start working on enhancements and new content. You shouldn't ever work on new content either in lieu of or in conjunction with fixing bugs because you almost always end up creating new buggy situations; you will end up breaking code that currently works. The plain, simple truth is that we have bugs that have existed since launch. And instead of working to fix those as a priority, the team has decided to work on new content that they aren't pushing out. In addition to that, they've gone nearly radio-silent, so we have zero idea what they are or are not working on. Oh, sure, you can point to the last KERB and say "Hey, they say they are researching this". But when they have been researching the same bugs for months at a time, you have to wonder how much work they are really putting towards fixing them. Or if they are capable of fixing them at all. We may not see this whole issue the same way, steve-o, but even you have to agree that something smells a bit fishy with that.
  10. Granted, but they aren't shared with you. I wish those stories were shared with ColdJ.
  11. If you want it, here it is, come and get it Mmmm make your mind up fast If you want it, anytime, I can give it But you better hurry cuz you just got banned. You better hurry cuz you just got banned!
  12. Calling 911 to ask if they have Prince Albert in a can.
  13. I have! See my signature for examples! TUBM plays more than 1 musical instrument.
  14. Allouez This is a suburb of Green Bay, WI.
  15. Having more than 18000 posts is definitely a sign of cheating.
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