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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Finally made it to Duna. That was WAY harder than I thought it would be, considering the number of times I've done this in KSP1 with far fewer parts. Heck, I did it on my first shot in the Kerpollo challenge (although the ship looked horrible). Anyhow, I landed on Duna like 800 or so meters away from the monument...and then the kraken took over. Tipped my lander just enough sideways to have me slide across the Dunatian surface some 2 km away. Yes, you read that right - the lander SLID ON THE SURFACE ON 2 LANDING LEGS for 2 Km. I had to walk to the monument, and even under time warp it took me 30 minutes of holding the W key down. Sigh. Anyhow, here is a shot of Kerrie Kerman standing by the monument, with Ike in the background. I took this shot because it just looks awesome with a partially lit moon. And now that I have recovered Kerrie and gotten all the science, I can start working on something I've never even done in KSP1: head to Jool. Again, you read that right. I've never been to Jool, or any of its moons, and this game is going to push me to go there. So I'm about to build a probe and send it on its way. There are a couple of missions I can actually complete with this singular launch: Get a probe into Jool's SOI Transmit an atmospheric survey of Jool back to Kerbin Enter Eve's SOI What's that, you say? Go to Eve and Jool in the same launch? Why, yes! Gravity assists for the win! Or, well, the tool that works for KSP1 says I should be able to do this, so we'll see what happens when I get that far.
  2. Yeah, they actually failed upon reentry to Kerbin. Not sure why. I'll have to watch this when landing on Duna.
  3. No, it doesn't. It's been stated by the devs that life support will not be a stock option. How would you go about implementing it? If you have to wait for resources for any reason at all, you'll find that you can time warp to get to it. And I can't see any scenario where we aren't simply waiting for x resource to be available, unless we are talking about having to go find it first. My guess is that we'll get some kind of presentation when they are about ready to drop the update, much like they did with For Science! last year.
  4. In my humble estimation, one of the following 2 things needs to happen with the atmospheric sniffer science gadget: Shorten the amount of time it takes to perform the science experiment; OR Allow for its use on the ground. Currently, it takes 2 minutes to run the experiment, which, unless you are flying planes, is a really long time. Launching a craft with a TWR anywhere in excess of 1.5 means you won't get the science on the way up, and there is no guarantee you'll come back down in the same biome to finish the experiment. Oh, and descent? Good luck with that taking more than 2 minutes, unless you are in Eve's pea-soup atmosphere. What I really don't understand is why this cannot be used when you are on the ground/landed. You are still in the atmosphere, are you not? There is still air all around you when you are on the ground, so why can't this thing be used then? As it stands, the gadget is - again, in my own estimation - nearly useless. It needs to be changed, preferably to make it usable on the ground.
  5. I decided I was going to tackle the Duna Monument mission (yes, I'm still this early in the game) in a different way. I realized that I could brute-force my way through it with the small parts I have, or I could gather more science and get bigger parts. So I built this little probe and sent it off to Duna. Once I got to Duna, I got a free transfer to Ike, so I decided to get some science from there as well. A couple of screenshots: No landings were attempted during this flight; I simply went to Duna, collected science, went to Ike, collected science, then flew home. Only got 1000 science for the trip, which only allowed me to open 2 more nodes on the tech tree. I guess that isn't all that bad...but I fully believe that 2 minutes is way too long for the atmospheric gathering. The thing was running for 1:30 during ascent on Kerbin, and then another 1:45 during descent on Kerbin. It can't be used while landed, and it takes too long for the thing to collect anything. The time needs to be shortened, or this thing is absolutely useless other than for aerodynamics. It is a nearly-pointless gadget considering you have to be in flight to use it. All told, I got nuclear power now, so it's time to go back to Duna with a crew.
  6. There is no ban. Just like there being no spoon.
  7. Having no signature is a sure sign of cheating.
  8. That's not from Thundercats, is it? If so, you are banned. If not, you are still banned.
  9. When you reply to the "Google Picture War Reloaded" thread using a character from a comic book to make an obscure point.
  10. Granted. They prove how smart they are by building world-destroying devices using new technology. I wish people didn't feel the need to one-up others.
  11. We have the ability to make this the cheatiest time in the history of our country, or to make it the most honest.
  12. Being Generation 35 is cheating. And a new page. Go ahead and tell me I'm cheating,
  13. Not using official KSP art is cheating. Oh, wait...
  14. Today, instead of focusing on the Duna monument mission, I decided to try my hand at the Kapy Rock thing. Built a rocket, strapped a lander with some wheels on it, and thought "If I can get close, I can drive to the edge of it. Maybe.". I then spent several hours overshooting, undershooting, and totally missing the thing. The few landings I could get within a few kilometers? Name your downfall, I suffered it: Tipping over just before landing Tipping over just after landing Damage upon landing No traction going uphill No braking going downhill No steering to go around hills Landed on the coast...but in too much water to actually drive I think I'm just over the rock formation, so I'll pull the chutes now...only to hit the side of the thing and fall all the way down Kraken attacks That's the SHORT list of what I've experienced. I've heard people build planes and fly over it, ejecting the lander when they are literally right over it. I'm no good with planes or cargo bays, so I haven't tried that yet. But that may never happen; I'm just going to put this away for now before I uninstall.
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