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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. And updates for 1.11 and 1.12 for KSP1 were announced for consoles 2 years ago...and they haven't done them. And probably won't. So, grains of salt and all.
  2. I'm in the same boat you are right now. I've already got 2 monitors on my desk (one for personal, one for work), and I've got no room to upgrade my personal monitor to something bigger. I happen to have a 42" flat screen I could use, but it won't fit. Sigh.
  3. I don't disagree with you on this at all. I also think that LS should even be considered until we get into Colonies (and maybe not until Interstellar). But then what to do with multiplayer? Do you enforce it for everyone if even 1 person is playing with it? Do you turn it off for everyone if even 1 person isn't playing with it? And as you said, how do you determine what is/isn't optional? Checkboxes for everything, or is it a "one-size-fits-all" thing?
  4. As long as it's a toggleable option, I say include it. But don't make it mandatory.
  5. Are you warping to a point, or are you manually warping? I'm curious about how this happens, and I wonder if different methods of warping have different results. They shouldn't, but you never know.
  6. For me, it's about muscle memory. I still find myself firing maneuver in KSP2 in the same way, burning when the countdown timer gets to what halfway through the burn would be (burn says it will take 30 seconds, countdown timer hits 15 seconds, as an example).
  7. Based on a suggestion from @Spicat, I tested this and turned off unlimited electric charge. I had ZERO issues with flight. Or, well, no issues with not holding SAS (my flying skills, on the other hand, leave something to be desired). The craft veered immediately west upon launch, but I was able to correct it with pitch (S key). Once I cut the engines when the desired Ap was set (~100km), the craft wobbled slightly, but only to orient itself to head where SAS said prograde was. Once I hit ~70km, I ejected the fairing and turned on RCS, pointing to the maneuver I set. Worked like a charm...except there is still an issue with the RCS thrusters at the top of the craft not firing even though they are attached directly to a medium RCS tank that is full of propellant. I have save files for both before and after launch with UEC turned off, but I have no way of adding them here or to the bug report (unless I just load them to Google drive/docs). Do you still want to see them?
  8. So I tested this, turning off unlimited electric charge. And I had ZERO issues with flight. Or, well, no issues with not holding SAS (my flying skills, on the other hand, leave something to be desired). The craft veered immediately west upon launch, but I was able to correct it with pitch (S key). Once I cut the engines when the desired Ap was set (~100km), the craft wobbled slightly, but only to orient itself to head where SAS said prograde was. Once I hit ~70km, I ejected the fairing and turned on RCS, pointing to the maneuver I set. Worked like a charm...except there is still an issue with the RCS thrusters at the top of the craft not firing even though they are attached directly to a medium RCS tank that is full of propellant. I have save files for both before and after launch with UEC turned off, but I have no way of adding them here or to the bug report (unless I just load them to Google drive/docs). Do you still want to see them? One other thing I noticed was that the fairing, upon ejection, got "stuck" inside the rest of the craft. Did no damage this time, but that should be fixed, yes? Also, I will be adding this to the last bug report I submitted so that this information is there for the bug hunters.
  9. Yeah, saying "better" was not the right way to put it. I certainly think it was better, but that doesn't mean everyone does.
  10. I'll have to test that the next time I fire KSP2 up (probably this weekend). It would still be a bug if it happens with unlimited EC, but give me a day or so to check and see what happens when UEC is turned off. I'll let you know!
  11. I don't think would be any different than sharing craft that were designed/built for different versions of the game. Or even under situations where you have some parts enabled in a career save but someone else may not in theirs (akin to the whole "Test this part" stuff in KSP1 when you don't have that node unlocked). I agree with the sentiment that it may make things more difficult when sharing craft. But I don't think that should be the reason to not include it. It should go on the list of pros and cons, but not be the sole reason.
  12. I know for #16 that it isn't just in time warp that SAS doesn't hold orientation; it happens whether or not you are in time warp. SAS does not hold a correct orientation at all (at least for me), and RCS/Reaction Wheels aren't helping. @Dakota, can you clarify if this item takes all that into consideration, or is this only for the issue under time warp?
  13. I'd love there to be some hint in the game that comes up when you are close to a discoverable or easter egg. You know, just to let you know "Hey, you are close to finding something here; you might want to explore this area a bit closer".
  14. On the topic of Life Support that @Pthigrivi, @Ahres, and others in this thread have mentioned... I am not one to use actual life support mechanisms for my Kerbals. Snacks, air quality, water, etc., are not something I want to see in the game. However, I believe that if there is a way to make it optional for people to use in game (like we have options for Probes Require Control, Infinite Electricity, etc.), then absolutely get it added. So many ways to play this game, and I see no reason why something that is wanted as badly as LS shouldn't be in the game.
  15. That's a personal opinion, though, and not representative of what everyone thinks. If you think it being in the left corner is fantastic, that's awesome. But please understand that not all of us like it that way, and we would like at least an option to move it where it would make sense to us.
  16. That doesn't work when I'm trying to move the entire assembly up or down.
  17. In no particular order... Robotics. Being able to move parts in or out or up or down is sorely needed. Fix SAS. Please. Ships currently don't hold trajectories unless under thrust, and the reaction wheels/RCS are of no help. Fix Fairings. Please. For starters, far too often we have to build an assembly, then build a fairing next to it to get it to close, then move the assembly inside the fairing. In KSP1 we just built the fairing around the assembly. And then they either don't eject properly OR they get stuck inside other parts, causing the ships to blow up. Full TWR/dV per stage. By celestial body. There's a mod that does this (Micro-Engineer), but this was stock functionality in KSP1 and is sorely missing in KSP2. Not to mention that the calculations for dV are incorrect most of the time, and they change between the VAB and the launchpad/runway. Alarm clock would be nice. Bring back the old way of doing maneuvers. I get that KSP2 counts down to when you should actually do the burn, while KSP1 had you cut the time to burn in half and start at that point. I get that the new way is more intuitive for newer players. But the old way was so much better. The ability to move the UI elements is needed. Some people like the navball on the side, some like it dead center, some may prefer it up top. Let us decide individually where our flight instruments should be. The ability to use the scroll wheel on maneuver markers. It is so annoying that you have to pull on the handles to get the smallest of increments, while in KSP1 we could simply use the scroll wheel on the mouse. Fix the VAB controls. PLEASE. Having to hold MMB and then move the mouse to move up/down is ridiculous. Again, the scroll wheel should be our friend, not our bane. I'd actually like to see the phase angles for where the celestial bodies are. We know that the phase angle for Duna, as an example, is in the neighborhood of 44 degrees. KSP1 had a mod (KER) that showed this, but we still have to eyeball it in KSP1 without the mod AND we have to eyeball it in KSP2 without the Interplanetary Calculator mod. Especially for new players who may not be aware of this, it would be nice to show this.
  18. Just because you disagree with it doesn't make it wrong. Nor does it make your way the only way. Also, I'm still curious - genuinely curious - as to why bottom left. Why not right, or top left? What is the significance of placing it bottom left?
  19. And as I said, during the times when you need to focus on the ship itself - docking and landing, as you and others have pointed out - you aren't focused on the navball anyhow.
  20. Which would be...why, exactly? Can I just get a straight answer please?
  21. That...didn't really answer the question. If you can hit F2 during these situations, why not just leave it in the middle and hit F2?
  22. Ok, so if the major argument is viewability of the screen, and that you need to see the ship when docking and/or landing...why not just hit F2 during these situations? You aren't looking at the navball, you aren't focused on any of the UI elements at that point; your entire and total focus is on the craft itself. Unless during landing you say that you are focused on distance to the ground, or in either situation you need to be focused on speed....in which case you aren't really looking at the ship, are you? Also, why left and not right? Why bottom left and not top left? What is the argument for it being left and not right, or bottom and not top?
  23. And there is a reason why you can't treat the 3rd person view as IVA because...? I know - the simple answer would be to say "Because it's not IVA". Right. But there's no reason you can't pretend, especially if you can pretend that you're flying a craft in space. If you think of the display as IVA, regardless of perspective, then the navball being dead center is just fine. It's only not fine if you insist that it needs to be off to the side because you are in 3rd person view. Myself, personally, I prefer it in the center of the screen. Having to take my eyes off the craft I'm flying and point them down is a natural act. Having to move them away from the center of the screen is distracting and leads to not doing very well. It simply isn't a natural act to try to look both left and center at the same time. And if it is dead center and bothers you, why not just auto-hide it like in KSP2? If you are capable of moving your eyes quickly, you can certainly move a mouse down a few inches, yes?
  24. Posted on Facebook by the devs. IVA shot. Notice where the instrument panel is. (1) Video | Facebook
  25. That is simply flat-out incorrect. In my own thread that PDCWolf linked to above you commented multiple times. So to say that you have not seen people discuss SAS issues is not only incorrect, but you have been part of the discussion on at least one thread talking about it.
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