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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Banned for using kittens to do your dirty work.
  2. Devs should be testing as they code. UAT does testing after code is done. Release is determined based on the results of UAT.
  3. Or they are just heads-down testing right now to make sure they can release?
  4. It is the holidays, which has always seen a slowdown here on the forums and Discord. Not to mention that Mike is out on paternity leave. Until April. Dakota and the devs have indicated that they would like this to drop well before the Christmas break they are taking, and the general consensus is mid December. Be patient. It will drop when it drops. And if it is delayed, there ain't a darned thing you can do about it.
  5. What i am having a hard time with is getting lined up and staying straight...but the craft continuing to rotate along the Y axis (spinning like a top). Doesn't matter the amount of input I give; SAS will stay straight, but the craft just spins on the Y axis. Annoying.
  6. Performance is still a huge issue with me. I had to turn the graphics settings way down to get anything over 15 FPS during launch, but when I use struts to keep things from wobbling all over the place, my performance takes a major hit. I am hoping that the solution they implement for wobbling means I can cut the number of struts I have to use (knowing that I'll still have to use some, just not as many).
  7. So we know that robotics aren't in KSP2, and according to Nate they won't be. Which I struggle with, considering how awesome they are for ship design in KSP1. Anyhow, I'm not here to complain about this. I'm here to ask if it's possible in some way to simulate robotics while in flight? Is there a way to rotate parts after you've left the VAB? I've tried attaching parts to the grid fins, as well as trying to attach parts to the cargo bays. In both of these cases, you can't attach parts where you'd like to in order to simulate the movement of parts. And I'm out of ideas at this point. Anyone know of a way to do this? As an example, I want to have a strut pointing skyward when I launch, but then rotate it 90 degrees after getting to orbit so that it is now perpendicular to the central column of the rocket. Start like this: || End like this: |_ Is this possible yet? Or do I need to make multiple launches to get all the parts into orbit to make a square out of struts?
  8. I am still working on the Orion Station project...but I've hit a bit of a snag. The next portion of the ship to go up is the square power module, and I'm just fighting with SAS and gravity and physics to get that up into orbit. I know about COM and such, and I know that "arms" sticking out to the side are the cause of this thing wobbling everywhere. I so wish we had robotics; it would be nice to have the arms straight up in the air and then move them into position once in orbit. I have an idea on how to simulate this, but I have to do some testing first. All told, 2 hours this morning with no results. But lessons! EDIT: Well, that didn't work. Need to figure out how to rotate parts in this game without having robotics. Or motors. Hmm.
  9. I have a very wide structure that I need to get into HKO, but it wobbles terribly at launch. I know I need to tie this down with struts to keep it and the rest of the craft wobbling, but the struts aren't long enough (they turn red and won't attach). Are there any tricks I can use here to get the craft to stay straight? I'm looking more for generalizations, although I can post a picture of the craft if someone wants to give more specific information (later tonight as I am not at my machine currently).
  10. Yeah, the infinite electricity thing has NOTHING to do with docking. Not to mention I've stated in multiple other places that I stopped using it in KSP2 because of the issues it causes with craft spinning uncontrollably when not under thrust. So no, I am not in fact "cheating" when docking.
  11. And which cheat am I using? I get the craft to rendezvous, line them up, set them as targets to each other, use SAS to point them at each other, then slowly thrust with one craft towards the other until they dock. Which actual cheat are you accusing me of using here? I didn't realize it was cheating to actually dock in a way that's consistent with how one of the biggest KSP players/streamers does it? Didn't realize that actually flying a craft was cheating? Oh, and I figured out that the bug is due to having RCS engaged when you switch craft. And yes, that IS a bug. But again, go ahead and tell me which cheat I'm using. Please. I'd like to understand why you think I'm not playing the game as designed. Or why you think my playstyle is wrong.
  12. Banned for making your cat demand to be fed. You should just feed her and not let her starve!
  13. Hello, 911? Yes, I'd like to report a crime in progress. @AlamoVampire has mentioned cats in multiple threads on the forum today.
  14. I don't see how it can be, as star systems are light years apart. My guess is an interstellar craft is on a one-way journey and has to be self sufficient.
  15. Banned for banning ColdJ without using a Calvin and Hobbes strip
  16. I love KSP. I am just disappointed in what it was earlier this year. The patches have brought it a long way, and the game is now playable (even if there are bugs).
  17. Today I put a second fuel module and a crew habitat module on Orion Station. The more I play, the better I get. The better I get, the more I want to play.
  18. Today I sent up the second fuel module, and I spent far less fuel and monopropellant getting this thing docked than I did with the first one. I got a shot with the cargo bay doors open so you can see the monopropellant tanks...and the colors on the thing really don't show them all that well. That's on me, and I gotta make sure that the next time I create a space station - or, heck, even the next rocket - I throw out the agency colors and just color it in a way that highlights all the different pieces. Anyhow, heres what it looks like with both fuel modules attached: Yep, that is one long, purple-and-yellow noodle in space. But it has some fuel, some monopropellant, several antennae, and it can generate power. Not too shabby for a start. The second thing I did was to send up a crew habitat module. Empty, of course. While Kerbals have been known to survive the rigors of deep space for decades without so much as recycled air or water, I don't want to strand anyone just yet. I'm using a pair of 8-seat Wanderers, which should give the crew - once we get this thing done and crew up in space - a place to hang out, play cards, take long naps, and read good books when they aren't on duty. Night-time launch to send up the crew habitat, and I was able to transfer some fuel and monopropellant to the station once docked. The far end of the habitat has a large docking port on it, primarily because I have a whole lof of stuff to place on this end of things at some point. If you checked out the link I gave in the first post, you'll see what has to go on this thing after the crew habitat. Eep! Anyhow, a couple of shots! Now, instead of a long noodle in space, it's a...well, it's not a full T, although it is T-shaped. More like a wrench or T-handle. But it's got fuel, can generate power, and has space (currently) for 16 Kerbals. Not a bad day, if I say so myself. Large project, coming together, slowly but surely!
  19. Nope. Tried that this morning and it didn't work. The issue is that the object rotates around the attachment point, and not the center axis. So no matter where you set it down, it rotates on its edge.
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