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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: Community Fixes, MapView Focus and Targeting, K2D2, Micro-Engineer, Maneuver Node Controller, Flight Plan | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB Created a maneuver to go from LKO to Moho. LKO Ap ~324km, Pe ~300km. Burn originally calculated 2279 m/s of dV, but after burn timer hits 0 bar shows dV remaining to be burned. Furthermore, the original plotted trajectory was not matched upon burn. Images below show the plotted course, dV requirements, and new trajectory. Should have had an encounter with Moho after the burn finished, but no encounter at all. Included Attachments:
  2. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: Community Fixes, MapView Focus and Targeting, K2D2, Micro-Engineer, Maneuver Node Controller, Flight Plan | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB Brand new campaign, building a rocket in the VAB. Cockatoo command module. Grabbed the RF-AD-XL 2500 fuel tank from the list of parts, and it has no texture. Part can be grabbed and placed, and it can be right-clicked on to bring up PAM. Steps to reproduce are pretty simple; just grabbing the part should do the trick. Included Attachments: Ksp22023_11.02-11_51_23_01.mp4 .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  3. I don't blame you. I'm simply pointing out that there is a mod that does what you are (kind of) asking about.
  4. I have to agree that the decision by IG to remove the ability to create trajectories/maneuvers in excess of the current amount of fuel is a hindrance to gameplay. A lot of us like to do a whole lot of testing of our craft before the actual mission we undertake, and we can't plan for appropriate maneuvers or burns when we reach the end of our fuel and the game simply stops letting us continue. I agree we shouldn't be able to burn if we don't have enough fuel (or the engines simply cut off at that point). But we should be able to at least create the node and see how much fuel we need. I'll also put out there that there are times where the actual dV is 0 and even enabling the option for infinite fuel doesn't work.
  5. I can confirm that this is happening to me as well. Generally speaking, I've seen this happening with the radial decouplers more than the inline ones.
  6. @Dakota One question I have is how the bugs are prioritized by IG's internal teams. We know that those of us on the forum can (and will) vote on reported bugs that show up in the bug reports subforum, and that those votes weigh pretty heavily on how things are categorized to be in the top 20 (or whatever number you wish to use). But I'm quite certain that the internal team is finding their own bugs to be fixed, and that they have their own list of the bugs that need to be fixed because of reasons. Things like they need this fixed because this system relies on it, or this bug actually causes these other bugs, or stuff like that. So how does the internal team go about prioritizing bugs they find when the community has prioritized bugs they've found? Especially when the 2 lists may not be in sync with each other. Just curious. I know the team is working hard to resolve all bugs, but I'm just curious on what happens with bugs the internal team finds that aren't yet reported here, and how those bugs are prioritized against the list the community gives them.
  7. Well, in real life, our solar system is actually orbiting the center of our galaxy (which is a supermassive black hole, but that's an entirely different topic). Keep in mind that: Earth's orbital speed around the sun is ~107,000 kph The Sun's orbital speed around the center of the galaxy is ~720,000 kph The Milky Way is hurtling through the cosmic void at ~2.1 million kph Regardless of where you are in the galaxy, you are still technically orbiting the center of the galaxy. It's only when you go intergalactic that you aren't (as far as we know with our currently limited knowledge and technology) orbiting a specific body. And targets are not going to be stationary. If anything, it will be infinitely harder to hit an interstellar system than it will be to hit a specific location on a given body in the Kerbolar system while blindfolded. You are still making towards a moving object, one that is moving much faster than you are traveling.
  8. Just because they only allow 1 system (at first) doesn't mean you are going to hit that system precisely every time you try to go there. You can still miss.
  9. Yeah, being able to freehand with a paintbrush would be nice. Way outside the scope of the game, though.
  10. There's a mod for this. To add to this, what I'd like to see is the ability to input RGB and opacity values instead of trying to use sliders to get the right color.
  11. What did I do? I nearly uninstalled the game today. I've been trying to get a craft from Kerbin to Moho, simply because I want to go interplanetary now to brush up on the skills. And no matter what I try, I cannot do this. Previously, I've tried launching one big craft into LKO, but the game has decided that any configuration of said craft - whether I modify an existing one OR if I build one brand new - the decouplers fail in flight. At random times, and for no reason. So ship go boom every time I launch. Today, I thought "Maybe I can build the thing in orbit". Launched the transfer stage, complete with a docking port on top of it, and got into LKO with a Pe of ~100km. Created and launched a lander module, which I was going to dock on top of the transfer stage I just got into LKO. Pe of ~90km. Got a rendezvous, and burned to match speed/plane. Set the transfer craft as the target, and clicked on Target on the SAS thing. Even though I had MULTIPLE reaction wheels and RCS engaged, it still took a good 90 seconds for the craft to spin into position. I then switched to the transfer craft, set the lander as the target, clicked Target on SAS, and turned RCS on. Side note: This is standard procedure for me. I like to spin the ships towards one another, docking ports facing each other, so I can dock. Doing this gives me a straight line, and it's how I do things. And there is NOTHING wrong with doing it this way. Anyhow, back to the story. I click Target, and as the transfer craft is spinning to line up, the lander vehicle THAT I JUST SET TO TARGET AND HAD LINED UP starts spinning out of control. WILDLY out of control. For zero reason. So I switch back to the lander to get it under control, and I get to watch the transfer craft spin wildly out of control for no reason. I quit. I'm done with KSP2 until this is fixed. Struts are broken, SAS is broken, reaction wheels/RCS don't work, craft spin out of control for no reason. These are foundational issues that are still not fixed some 8 months after launch. How this is still this buggy is beyond me.
  12. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: See previous bug reports | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB Still trying to get to Moho, this time by creating multiple smaller craft and assembling in orbit. Launched the first craft (transfer stage), putting it into LKO at ~100km and watched it spin out of control as soon as the circularization burn was done. Finally got it under control and launched Moho II-1 Lander into LKO with a Pe of ~90km. Set original craft as target and used RCS to get to the target marker on the navball (in spite of having reaction wheels which, for some reason, do not seem to work AT ALL). Switched to the original craft using ]; I do this on all rendezous maneuvers when I have docking ports on the front/top of the craft so I have a direct line from one vehicle to the next. The lander craft began to spin out of control as I was setting it as a target, so I switched back to get it under control and then the original craft spun out of control. Video shows this happening. Steps to Replicate: rendezvous 2 crafts in orbit. ensure they both have control. make the craft target eachother set SAS to target on one of the crafts switch to the other craft and do the same observe the non-active craft will start to spin Workaround: Disable SAS on one of the two craft after positioning it Included Attachments: Desktop2023_10.31-13_41_58_03.mp4
  13. @Anth I wonder if this is related to, or maybe similar/the same as, the bug I reported regarding failing decouplers (structural linkage) that is here: If so, it might be better to merge these reports.
  14. In KSP1, with the Experiment Return/Storage Unit...thing...we could move data reports (such as temperature readings and goo observations) around, and we could store the actual data from the surface sample in them as well. I don't see why we wouldn't be able to do that here as well?
  15. While there are mods for this, the Alarm Clock became a stock part of KSP1. Why remove it?
  16. I wholeheartedly agree with @Periple on usability with the concentric circles. They are distracting and generally cover the area I'm trying to focus in on. I also agree with them regarding not having Pe displayed until you get into a body's SOI. That is simply counter-intuitive to how you are supposed to plan encounters and such. I need to know how far away I am from a given object so I can plan for the braking maneuver (and potentially the capture burn).
  17. Extrapolate that when you want to transfer from one star to the next. A few m/s of dV difference could have you floating in the void between stars for eternity as you miss your target system altogether. As an example, in the real world on planet Earth alone, 1 degree of difference is equivalent to approximately 69 miles of difference. Take a look at this: The Distance Between Degrees of Latitude and Longitude (thoughtco.com) Granted, this is all on a spherical ball where the points of Longitude spread out near the equator and converge at the poles. But the concept here is the same as it would be in space: being off by even the smallest amounts of dV might turn out to be a huge difference in intercept distances.
  18. As an update to this report, I can confirm that the decouplers fail in all stages of flight, regardless of whether or not you have used launch clamps. I've seen them fail: Prior to the start of the gravity turn After the gravity turn has started Just after reaching suborbital flight Just before burning to circularize in orbit During the circularization burn During stage separation Just after the circularization burn has happened I can provide log files for any/all of the above if necessary. I cannot overstate how badly this issue needs to be fixed as it makes building and launching large craft from Kerbin nearly impossible; I shouldn't have to revert to launch a dozen times just to get to orbit with a craft that shouldn't be destroying itself simply because it has radial decouplers on it.
  19. I could not possibly agree with you more. The ability to scroll on node handles would make creating intercepts so much easier in stock.
  20. I continue to try and build a craft to get to Moho...and I continue to run into bugs and issues with struts. Please, @Intercept Games, fix the struts bug issues. Please. I beg you.
  21. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: Community Fixes; Flight Plan; Interplanetary Calc; K2D2; Maneuver Node Controller; MapView Focus and Targeting; Node Manager; Space Warp | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12-Core Processor 3.09 GH | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB Built a craft to head to Moho, which included 6x Launch Clamps radially attached. Click Launch to go to Launchpad, and the craft is immediately destroyed with a message indicating that there is a structural failure between the decoupler and the tank. Clicking "Revert to Launch" from here sends you to an orbital view of Kerbin, but there is no craft and you cannot go into Map View (or return to the launchpad from here). The only way to get out of this view is to hit Escape and then Revert to VAB. Removal of the launch clamps allows craft to be placed on launchpad and be launched. Screenshots: Included Attachments: MohoI-I.json
  22. Keep in mind that this is your opinion, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of everyone who will be playing the game. What is fun for you may not be fun for someone else, and vice versa. The best part about KSP is that there is no right way to play; everyone gets to enjoy the game the way they want.
  23. I don't see what is wrong with the way it is worded.
  24. Can we at least get through Halloween before we start talking about something 6 months from now?
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