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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. I recommend RCS for this. Lots of RCS.
  2. Phase II of my colonization project is finished. This phase involved putting 3 satellites into HKO so as to form a communications network. You can read all the juicy details here:
  3. ===PHASE II=== Goal: To put a series of satellites into HKO so as to form a basic communications network over Kerbin In order to do much of anything from this point on, especially where probes are going to be concerned, I'll need to establish a communications network. This will require a minimum of 3 satellites in HKO in a triangularish fashion around the planet. I'd like them to be keo-synched, which means getting them at a (rough) orbit of 2,863 km and a speed of (again, roughly) 1,009 m/s. This is all relative and easy enough to do...until you realize that the only probe I have access to right now is the Stayputnik, which has no SAS controls. I also have no fairings, which makes this thing about as aerodynamic as an aircraft carrier. Thankfully, I was able to rely upon MJ to help me with the flight of thing into LKO; I spent several hours trying to fly this thing manually which, upon looking back, was a really dumb decision on my part. But once I got the first of the three into HKO, I just pretty much copied the flight plan and sent the other 2 up. Images! I had to make 1 heliocentric (not the best word, I know, but should give an idea of what I'm describing here) orbit around Kerbin with the KeoSynch II to allow KeoSynch I to pass far enough ahead so they wouldn't interfere with one another. I had to make multiple passes with KeoSynch III for the same reason, but this time pushing both I and II far enough ahead. But I got it done, and that's not a bad triangle there. Could be better, and I know they aren't perfectly in keo-synch orbit, but this will certainly suffice. One thing I know that will be an issue is electricity. No solar panels yet, and I know all 3 of those chunks of metal are running low. At some point I'll have to either replace them with better models, or send an engineer up to put panels on all 3 of them. I did put capacitors on them (4, one for each battery), but that's really a short-term solution here. Completion Date/Time: Year 1, Day 5, 4h, 7m.
  4. I disagree. We have been providing bug reports, screenshots, and video for the issues since launch day. And yet they haven't been fixed yet.
  5. This assumes, of course, that the game actually becomes performing and makes it to 1.0
  6. Same here. I'd rather give back the game and get my $50, and then wait for the actual real game they are working on to drop. I'd even be willing to pay more for that than try to play what they gave us.
  7. Two things. First, while it may be implied that I'm leaving the community, I'm not. I'll still be here enjoying KSP1 and reading threads, but not playing KSP2. My bad if that wasn't clear, Second, thanks for ignoring the entirety of my post and the sentiment behind it. Not agreeing with it is ok. Boiling it down to a simple rant and then throwing shade at me with no context isn't. I'm happy to discuss any points you disagree with.
  8. Unfortunately, they have decided to delay updates and new content while feeding us the same line they used for the last three years. "We have no cadence for updates or features, but we swear we are working to make this awesome." Are people tired of being lied to yet? I am.
  9. There are two ways to get the rover to stop, but both require you to have control of it AND you need a Kerbal or probe on it. You can either: Hold B until it stops, or Click on the parking brake (to the left of the altimeter). Alternatively, you could use retractable wheels and keep them retracted until you get a Kerbal seated.
  10. Well, updates are now delayed with no real cadence given. 2nd paragraph.
  11. This is just...I can't even find the right adjective to describe how painful reading this was. Look, I get that development takes time. And I get that you can't just push a magic button and make everything all happy. But after years of delays and poor communication, the game is released in a state that is barely playable, and now the updates the game needs to get to a better state are going to be delayed? With no real communication as to the length of delays other than "We are working on it and will tell you more later"? That is EXACTLY what we got told during the 3 years immediately prior to EA. I'm sorry, but this is a slap in the face to the community. A large portion of us have tried defending the company and its decisions, saying that things will get better and the game will be good and just wait and be patient. My faith in the company and hope in the game has waned. And while I am just one person, I'm not the only one who feels like this. Heck, I put KSP2 down until the next update which, from the sound of it, may come...soon? Or later? Or in the sometime? I simply can't do it any longer. We paid you for this. We paid you for the privilege of early access, during which you promised regular updates, bug fixes, new parts, and roadmap features on a regular cadence which you now are saying you can't do because...why, exactly? You are busy working on roadmap features that are way down the road? Looking right at the images of the devs playing multiplayer here; there is ZERO reason to be working on that with the state the game is in right now. Again, I'm done. I'm going back to KSP1 because that at least is playable. When you decide to finally get KSP2 to the point it should be, and you get to releasing bug fixes and new content on a real cadence (which begs the question as to why Shana even talked about new content in the AMA) I'll be back.
  12. Nope. No weapons of mass distraction in KSP for me. TUBM has termites in their house.
  13. Granted. Your personal computer whether that ne a desktop or laptop, is now a potato and incapable of running even the operating system, let alone games. I wish to be a KSP1 modder.
  14. Agreed. 100%. Missing so many parts, and some of the stuff I'd need is included in either mods for KSP1 (future tech) or won't be available at all in KSP2 (robotics). Not to mention some of the parts we have dont allow for part clipping (fairings). So yeah, no try and no do for me.
  15. It has been proven that there is no second signal.
  16. This is the (Kerbal) way. If you are gonna do something, do the hardest thing you can think of with as little planning or forethought as possible. Cannot wait to see the video on this!
  17. Today...I put KSP2 down in favor of KSP1. KSP2 isn't holding my attention as much as I thought it would, primarily due to the bugs and lack of parts. I simply can't do in KSP2 what I can in KSP1. Even without direction (a lack of Science/Career modes), there simply isn't enough there to hold my attention any longer. Not until we get more patches and parts and fixes and stuff. So for now, I'm going back to KSP1. I'll be back when KSP2 improves.
  18. Today I started a new Science career with a pretty lofty goal in mind. See, Kerbin is dying and can no longer support life. Or, rather, it will die at some unknown point in the future, and we can't sit around and wait for that to happen. So we are going to set off to the stars in search of a new home that we hope will last longer than Kerbin, set up a new launchpad and VAB, and then see how much more of the Kerbolar system we can wreck. You can read all about the career parameters and Phase I here:
  19. Good morning, this is Ron Kerburgundy with Kerb 5 News. In breaking news today, famed astrophysicist Werner von Kerman has discovered that our home planet of Kerbin is in fact dying. Dr. von Kerman has indicated to us that our planet can no longer support life as we know it, and that at some point in the future she won't be able to sustain life at all. As proof, here is a picture of me alongside one of Dr. von Kerman's many complicated math equations: In an interview with Dr. von Kerman, he stated that the Las Kerbas Space Agency has formulated a plan based on this information, and we warn you that what I'm about to say may be too graphic for some of our younger viewers. The LKSA has determined that we need to find a new home for ourselves and our future generations, and so, to that end, the engineers and astrophysicists and the really smart guys and gals over there are working on expanding our horizons. A new program is underway as we speak, whereby they will get us started on reaching for the stars. We realize that this news may come as a shock or surprise to many of our viewers, and we asked Dr. von Kerman about his "math" and whether or not this was "true". He has assured us that yes, our planet is in fact dying, but that it won't die for multiple generations yet. Hang on - multiple generations? How long do we have before the planet dies? He said WHAT? Hundreds, if not thousands, of years? Well, what the frak?! This isn't a major news story; this is simply the LKSA trying to get more money. AGAIN. Erm... Ahem. We apologize for the interruption, and we send you back now to your regularly scheduled programming. For Kerb 5 News, I'm Ron Kerburgundy. ===MISSION STATEMENT=== Although KSP2 is out, and I do in fact own it, I have realized that there are so many things in KSP1 that I have not yet done. Colonies will be a large part of KSP2 (eventually), and I will need to get up to speed on those at some point. I've also not landed on several celestial bodies in KSP1 (most of Jool's moons, to be precise), and I need the practice doing that. So I decided today to dust off 1.12.5 of KSP1 and add a few more mods to it in an attempt to send Kerbals permanently off their home of Kerbin. The goal of this particular career is to find a suitable new home for Kerbals on one of the other celestial bodies, colonize that space, then create a new self-sustaining launchpad/VAB-like-entity so as to continue colonization of the Kerbolar system. Game statistics/parameters: Kerbal Space Program 1.12.5 Interestingly enough, no DLC. I was gifted the DLC for my copy of 1.8.3, but 1.12.5 is through Epic and so I don't have the DLC for KSP1 in this build of the game. Science career. Kerbal experience is in play. Kerbals level up immediately. Must have a signal to retain control of probes. Reversion of flights is allowed. Tech tree must be unlocked in Kerpollo fashion (must unlock all nodes in a given tier before moving on to the next tier). A boatload of mods are installed. B9 Part Switch Community Resource Pack Community Tech Tree Deployable Engines Plugin Diamond Grid Trusses Dynamic Battery Storage Extraplanetary Launchpads Harmony 2 Kerbal Actuators KAC KAS KER KIS Kerbal Stats Kethane Mining MJ Module Manager Near Future Aeronautics Construction Electrical Electrical Core Exploration IVA Props Launch Vehicles Propulsion Solar Solar Core Spacecraft ReStock ReStock+ TAC Fuel Balancer TriggerAu Flags Waterfall Core ===PHASE I=== The goal of Phase I is to generate enough science by running around the KSC to get access to the first probe available, the Stayputnik. This will require 108 science points due to the Kerpollar nature of how I'm running the tech tree. Note 1: As this is a Science career, I don't have to upgrade buildings. This makes extraplanetary EVA and surface sample collection possible from the start. This may end up shortening the start of the game. Note 2: I may have forgotten to turn off the extra launch sites during game setup. This is inconsequential, however, as I will be restricting myself to launching only from the KSC until I have either an orbital launch site OR a ground launch site on another planet/moon. Phase I Completion Date/Time: Year 1, Day 1, 0h, 7m. Being able to collect surface samples and go EVA in flight helped. I earned 36 science from surface samples (12 at the launchpad, 12 at the runway, and 12 in the water), as well as 7 from EVA while the first actual rocket launch was parachuting into the water (I was traveling 6.0 m/s, so I thought "What could go wrong"; I gambled and won on that one). Images: None at this time. I won't bore people with the initial "I gotta get science" KSC run-around photos. We've all been there before, and you don't need to see this. Yeah, um, thank you, drive through. I promise to have images once I start getting things up into space.
  20. One of the most cogent posts I've yet seen. The only down side to all this (well, more down that what was had) is that no matter what TT/PD decided to do or announce regarding the game, someone would have been angry and vocal. "We have to delay for a year." "A year? Why are you making me wait a year now?" "We have to delay indefinitely, and we will let you know when we have a better idea." "How dare you delay without giving me a date!"
  21. See, I don't get what everyone else is seeing with the terrain. Of the bodies I've landed on so far, none of them has been anything to write home about. From space the terrain looks great. Once landed, it's all flat and smooth and stuff. Even the rings on Dres were just meh.
  22. Wow. The work you've done here is superb. Super superb. Super duper super superb.
  23. I think this falls squarely into what Shana was talking about with reducing part count for same-type parts. Why can't we have one command module and have a slider or picker for shape, and for size, and even number of kerbals? Heck, take it one step further and if you select no kerbals, it becomes a probe core with little to no SAS control?
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