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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. Reading MMI and KOSMOS here all the time, I can tell you that I'm working on that. I already balanced the new MMI parts (the solar panels still have to be configured), and if I don't forget it I'll ask cBBp the next time we chat, I am supporting KOSMOS so I do have access to these files.
  2. >Awesomeblack That's the cheats not the console >eran100 Alt+F2
  3. cBBp wanted it to be a 1-part pod, and these parts are just placeholders until there are part modules for engines (in development by someone else) and RCS. I whould make RCS but I don't know anything about vector maths (didn't have it in school until now)...
  4. MODULE { name = ModuleKrGenericConsumption energyconsumption = [value] } That one wasn't made by me, I honestly never tried to use it. BTW, this wass just on the IRC:
  5. Some words on balancing. Innsewerants wrote a cool new sun detection code that doesn't just tell if the sun is visible or not, but gives me the solar power in w/m2 instead, which is then multiplied by the panel size in m2 and the efficiency (typically 5-20% from what I've heard, so 20% is default now). The current panel output in undefined units is replaced with the output in kW from that, so the unit for the engine consumption has to be kW too. I'll make the engine consume more energy to keep up with the higher output of the new solar panels, but I'd like to know what you guys think about making them use fuel too like normal ion engines, so I added a little poll to this thread. BTW, the battery capacity whould be in kilowattseconds then, right? Should maybe change the GUI to autmatically convert that to kWh...
  6. >quadro7f My solution to the size problem whould be spawning it in space directly, though I have no idea if what I'm thinking about whould work... I might try something on that this weekend.
  7. >gendalf I just LOVE this kind of bug report... ALT+F2 and see what error it throws. And maybe read the sentence "See http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/10094-0-16-Electrical-Energy-Plugin-v1-4-%28Aug-15%29 for FAQ and modding instructions." on Kerbal.net... Sorry if offensive, I just came home from school...
  8. >BlackHawk951753 Doublepost, no capitalization or punctiation at all... Imgur just started to hate me, otherwise I'd give you a screenshot of a DSM ship orbiting Eve as proof that it works.
  9. Fallback part shaders are awful in general, almost everything is displayed wrong. Something I noticed from reading the source code is that it defines it's own temperature instead of using the part temperature simulation which is quite good from what I've heard, you'd just need to set heatConductivity and heatDissipation right on the heatshield. EDIT: Oh, and maybe replace the GUI with a context menu?
  10. Satellite pack will be split, most parts will probably go to Kethane.
  11. No, PowerTech is great, but I'm going in another direction with mine, have you seen the new screenshots posted in the KOSMOS VA thread? The engines have extending nozzles and so on... that's all made with the animation module. I'm currently checking the source for remaining issues and trying to remember the changelog, hopefully I can release soon, wanted to do it yesterday but then I had this "Oh f--- something is terribly wrong somewhere" feeling all day.
  12. >Frostiken It is entirely possible to balance parts right, but it takes a lot of time. I did spend days on calculating volumes and making an OpenOfficeCalc table to find the right values for the new MMI parts. It's like 10 caracters in a part.cfg file but without that it whould've been more or less a cheat mod.
  13. >BloodyRain2k It's not in % IIRC, so it whould be 10% > WoodenBiplane On some heavily-modded .16 games (including mine), strange issues started to appear sometimes, making pausing and leaving the game impossible. It happened with other WIP mods to me too, and only occured rarely.
  14. >Tomthetechy There are 4. 2 different sizes and a pod and normal part version of each so that you can have as much crew space as you want on your ship. Just copy them all.
  15. >KinkyFerrets >willow You're both talking about something else here. PowerTech had some issues in .17, get updated version here. The battery death thing is a long time ago, I fixed it somewhere back in .15, MMI currently uses another system that does break but this mod is safe.
  16. You only need the plugin dll for the engines to work. The pod shows a MechJeb menu in the corner, but you can remove that with a cfg edit.
  17. Funny to see all the people who have never been to the IRC complaining about KSP modders not working together... There are some incompatibilites, yes, and I honestly can't hear it anymore. Please read this if you want to know more.
  18. >bashpr0mpt energy is not drained while atmospheric (like OdinYggd already said) and independent from fuel flow.
  19. I have no real idea of what I'm talking about, but AFAIK interiors are made using .16 partTools. All seats, buttons, instrumentation etc is added in the config file of the interior, so you can leave them out. I'd start with editing the config of the existing internals, if you find a paramter you have no idea about what it could be just ask, I have some ideas on how it could work.
  20. Yeah some of them are pretty large compared to what we've seen until now.
  21. Zoxygene's EPS seems broken, Electrical Energy is fine.
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