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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. If you hold them and they snap to the node, but are still red instead of green, rotate them until it turns green. Usually it's just pressing W once, but if you're building to the side, the right key is different.
  2. Non-EPS panels work too, but they might not have enough power because these mods aren't balanced against each other.
  3. You'll probably have it soon:sticktongue: At the time development is going well, I'm fixing lots of bugs and other issues at the time. Actually, I thought I was almost done so I tested if another part I orignially made the part module for still works, and then the bug rain started...
  4. Also, if it shows 0, you're missing the resource config in the KSP/Resources folder. There should be a Kreuzung.cfg in it (if you have ZO2 installed, there's a file called EPS.cfg with AFAIK the exact same content. Game works flawless with both of them or one missing AFAIK).
  5. That's got nothing to do with plugins. The parts that don't have kerbals are missing the INTERNAL definition which was not necessary before .16, and the ones that have crew got it.
  6. You're missing a S in the module line (module = SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech).
  7. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/6680-Collection-Kosmos-Spacecraft-Design-Bureau-%28SSPP-4-1-6-12-12%29 Though I just saw that these don't need a fiöe in PluginData/PowerTech. Does it work again if you remove the part module from it?
  8. What about taking 'oldstyle' engines and derived classes into account too? foreach(Part p in PART.vessel.parts) { if (p is LiquidFuelEngine) { //something } else if (p is LiquidEngine) { //same again for older engines for compatibility with older part packs and plugins deriving from the simple engine such as MuMech or ElEnergy
  9. I have to do an animation part module anyway, I'll PM you once it's ready:wink:
  10. That idea came up earlier in 1.1 or so when it was possible using MuMechLib, but now it's not possible anymore without coding. I've been asked by cBBp to make part module RCS (how???), if I ever get anything done with that I'll of course also add energy as an option.
  11. Do you have a file for it in PluginData/PowerTech (or so)? If not, copy the PluginData floder from Kosmos again.
  12. For having a Kerbal on the seat, it's easy, just check if there's a Kerbal in the seat in the Update() function of a part module, if not hide the Kerbal part of the model. I honestly never did anything like that but it should be easy:sticktongue: Someone knows a model with a hatch and at least another mesh I could use to test? Then I'd try it.
  13. @zYnthethicz: It's probably a restricition, use imgur for screenshots, the forum attachment function sucks (like the rest of failBulletin).
  14. @Lancake, you need the strut hub for that - it's a cube that should come a bit after the normal strut on the structural tab.
  15. That's a great idea, I'll keep that in mind. I'm working on other things at the moment (1-part capsule and balancing new parts), and I thought of energy transfer as the next thing to add (short range with cables, high range as light, you know these solar farm satellites Planetary Resources and others are thinking of? Basically an orbital superweapon pointing at a power plant on earth:sticktongue:).
  16. I actually tried to make a part module that simulates radioactivity, but I dropped it because I didn't know of anyone who ever got close to times where you'd notice power loss of the radiothermal generators and that it whould probably end in very large numbers (their half-lifes in seconds etc.) and very small numbers (between 2 physics frames) at the same time, which whould cause float rounding errrors.
  17. You could try adding multiple simple colliders instead of a mesh collider, but I don't know much about modeling...
  18. Winzip has that. 7-zip never showed anything like that for me.
  19. Am I the only one who thinks there should be some extra rules for posting blogs? AKA how much content they have to have at least? Some of them feel like off-topic and/or spam posts to me...
  20. Edit: Solved problem thanks to cybutek - Simple try-catch made it work flawless for some reason (probably null value detection was wrong) Hi, I've got a problem with my OnSave function - if it's not commented out, it hangs the game on going to flight scene or going to space center. I never really did anything that included saving or loading data (except some one-line something.Load(string file) stuff), and I have no idea why it fails. resNames is a List<string> of part resource names, and this code is supposed to save and load the part resource's amount value 'cause automatic persistence doesn't work for them for some reason. If I comment out OnSave, OnLoad works, so OnSave has to be wrong. public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node) { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; foreach (string r in resNames) if(part.Resources[r] != null) node.AddValue("Res", r + ";" + part.Resources[r].amount); } public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; string[] resData = node.GetValues("Res"); foreach (string r in resData) { string[] s = r.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); part.Resources[s[0]].amount = float.Parse(s[1]); } } using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; class ModuleKrResourceTank : PartModule { [KSPField(guiActive = true, guiName = "Resource mass", guiFormat = "F3", guiUnits = "t")] public float resourceMass; [KSPField(guiActive = true, guiName = "Total mass", guiFormat = "F3", guiUnits = "t")] public float totalMass; [KSPField] public string resources = ""; protected List<string> resNames; protected Dictionary<String, VInfoBox> resIndicators; /// <summary> /// Initializes values /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> public override void OnStart(PartModule.StartState state) { resNames = new List<string>(resources.Split(';')); resIndicators = new Dictionary<string, VInfoBox>(); foreach (string r in resNames) print("resname:" + r); } /// <summary> /// Updates context menus and info boxes /// </summary> void Update() { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; resourceMass = part.GetResourceMass(); totalMass = resourceMass + part.mass; foreach (string r in resNames) { if (part.Resources[r] == null) return; if (part.Resources[r].amount > 1e-4) { if (!resIndicators.ContainsKey(r)) { resIndicators.Add(r, part.stackIcon.DisplayInfo()); resIndicators[r].SetMessage(r); resIndicators[r].SetMsgBgColor(Color.clear); resIndicators[r].SetMsgTextColor(Color.white); resIndicators[r].SetProgressBarBgColor(Color.clear); resIndicators[r].SetProgressBarColor(Color.white); } resIndicators[r].SetValue(part.Resources[r].amount / part.Resources[r].maxAmount); } else if (resIndicators.ContainsKey(r)) { part.stackIcon.RemoveInfo(resIndicators[r]); resIndicators.Remove(r); } } } public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node) { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; foreach (string r in resNames) if(part.Resources[r] != null) node.AddValue("Res", r + ";" + part.Resources[r].amount); } public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; string[] resData = node.GetValues("Res"); foreach (string r in resData) { string[] s = r.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); part.Resources[s[0]].amount = float.Parse(s[1]); } } }using System;
  21. Why did it play rkman's ion engine sound during skycrane separation?
  22. If you hate the music, mute sound, it's one click... No mod except KW rocketry and some 1 or 2 part ones has screenshots of each part, so "Anyone with sense" is not right.
  23. A 199 seconds video with probably 24 fps implies 4975 screenshots doesn't it?
  24. You could also set the crew capactity to 0 (should work without plugins), then the Kerbal whould not die from a heart attack if the probe explodes:sticktongue:
  25. It doesn't work with MuMech tanks, but it should work with part resources. Try putting it in the part itself or the one above it, I dunno if having the resource below a gwnerator placed on top caused my problems while testing.
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