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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. I personally don\'t think it needs rescaling, and I\'m sure that Nova posted something about updating these mods, but they still work and new planets are far more important.
  2. Seriously, get WinRar or 7-zip, you\'ll need them so often...
  3. Don\'t worry about EPS, I\'ve already contacted l00 about it, these problems will be solved.
  4. 10/10, good banner. BTW, Jebediah is damn scared of explosions, he sometimes screams longer than Bob if the pod almost got hit by something heavy.
  5. I managed to set timewarp to 0.1, If you can wait a day... ;P
  6. 19:06 In Germany (and the rest of Europe).
  7. Hi, I have a problem with generating heat. I went for this simple line: part.temperature += heatProduction * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime; However, at a heat production of 10000, the heat gets stuck at ~580 or so for me. This could be based on the heat values of the ram intake which I\'m using for testing, but once I go on timewarp, the heat rises over that value and the part explodes. Am I doing something wrong? Is heat not modeled on-rails? Both?
  8. Intercontinental Ballistic Jet Fighters? 15 minute massive battle, sounds like a lot of work...
  9. EPS is a good idea, but it has some flaws: 1) It wastes a lot of energy due to the way it\'s coded 2) It stores them in special parts instead of part resources (without the third point, this whouldn\'t be a real problem though) 3) It doesn\'t allow for part modules I could still implement EPS, but I don\'t know if it\'s worth it, because I\'d have to break part configs/save files again, which I don\'t want to do anymore.
  10. http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/
  11. Ehh, http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/? ;P
  12. Aren\'t they the perfect airbrakes? I deorbited a satellite for fun and all I lost on impact was 2 batteries, the rest was still intact. The solar panels need own colliders, the game is way to easy for me if I can fly through everything with them ;P
  13. omisrunner, I can\'t give you the new config because the Deep Space Mission Pack adfly link gave me a virus. Basically, you have to change the module line of the battery to 'Strut' and add: RESOURCE { name = Energy amount = 500 maxAmount = 500 } MODULE { name = ModuleKrBattery } (Might be wrong, can\'t access my files now, but I think I know it from memory).
  14. Ah, then there\'s a problem with the battery. I\'ll make a new part.cfg for it.
  15. Are you taliking about the Mechanical Mouse ion engine or the DynaSat/Void Bukeneering ones?
  16. Was just writing a post, will post anyway since it bescribes it better than my previous ones. OK, I\'ll explain it again, there\'s no problem if you don\'t get the configs, I don\'t get some parts of KSP modding too ;P First, you search the 'module' line. It\'s normally the second or third or so. Change it to module = SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech Then, scroll to the end of the file, and add: partResGenerator = truepower = [something] With [something] being the value of energy they should produce each second.
  17. you have to change the existing \'module =\' line, but the rest can be anywhere in the file (best is to just add it to the end).
  18. The solar panels had to be replaced and don\'t work anymore with the old config file. I\'d suggest that you include the plugin in the .zip file, from .16 on, old versions should still work for a time, and it whould be less confusing. Also try to update the .zip file if I release a new plugin, to not confuse the users (I can PM you before I release a new version).
  19. Sources are not necessary, the .cfg belongs to the resources folder.
  20. module = SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech (if it isn\'t already) then add: power = [something] partResGenerator = true
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