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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. If I look at throttle, altitude and vertical speed, I can see an even better problem...
  2. Have fun in geostationary orbit and hopefully you\'ll find some oxygen I wish for being home at Mirial
  3. As your stars cool down, they stop nuclear fusion and don\'t produce heat anymore, which cools them down to 0 °K. I build a new hill on Kerbin.
  4. Often seen in the games section, but seems to know a lot about KSP.
  5. 3D What, mac? I jsut drew that in school and liked it, lol
  6. Does thatg also work with debris? Could be usefuls sometimes (however the S-D button should be enough for normal debris). I\'m thinking of changing of old satellites orbit or so...
  7. It could warn a bit earlier if going straight down, maybe if -vertical speed*x>altitude, with x being defineable in the GUI, so it whould warn us if we whould be dead in x seconds...
  8. I think so, it whould explain the pod stability magic. I also sometimes read 'MechJeb resetting PID controller' on the console, which could also mean that SAS is involved. Just try it out.
  9. Just downloaded Kosmos yesterday, parts look awesome, but I changed the solar panels to use my plugin ;P It has nothing to do with this pack, but I have problems with the Sky Penetration Co, the .craft files throw errors on load and the 1.5m to 9x.5m part wobbles around in a 2m range until the rocket falls over to one side, other parts wobble hardly too.
  10. I\'m Mirialan, so I know much more about Star Wars than you, giving me an easy way to break all your safety crap. My hill made of 999999999999999999999999999999 death stars, a space cruiser and some concrete.
  11. Rule 54: Planes can land with horizontal speeds, rockets usually not.
  12. I could also need some (modified) probodobodyne parts for my plugin (if it doesn\'t directly run over to BACE).
  13. The launch tower is a train wagon?
  14. For anyone else, fastest way to open it is pressing Windows button then typing cmd then enter.
  15. Plane attack on debris, 5th try. Fired particle cannons, debris flew directly into my fuselage, separating the cockpit from anything that kept it in the air.
  16. While I was messing around with Ion engine SSTO, I fell apart but my debris had solar panels, engine, battery and SAS, so it was able to escape. Failed at the 2.5 km border, though.
  17. Add something like this to your GUI: 'Warning, to use RCS on the controlled craft, turn RCS on! [suppress RCS on this craft button]
  18. Noo, not Bush again If you didn\'t get it because you\'re Bush now, you turned into Bush I wish for perfect vacuum to leave my teachers brain
  19. On my first try to get there, I added 3 zeroes too much in the ascent autopilot. When I noticed that, I burned retrograde, but I already was out of Kerbins SOI so I slingshotted around Kerbol and now that probe is on an escape trajectory. I wonder if a MechJeb pod can bore to death...
  20. He talked about activationg RCS automatically, which can be useful, but also sometimes not. Maybe even add a possibility to suppress RCS on your own craft, as MechJeb rather fires all thrusters instead of none.
  21. Why do you want to take the ability to save RCS fuel on more stable crafts away from the users? I think the way you do it now is the best one possible.
  22. face (It looks like paint but I\'m sure it isn\'t)
  23. I can ask for that, but it might break crafts. You could also modify a Kosmos panel, they are very small if unfolded. Just do it in the same way I wrote above, but use KRMuMechSolarPanel as module to not break the unfolding possibility (don\'t do this with any other unfolding panel than the Kosmos ones, they will break into millions of sharp fragments!)
  24. That sounds good so far. I can\'t start coding now, so anyone, continue suggesting for at least 24 hours. Two sentences completely repurposed my plugin, lol ;D
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