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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. Couldn\'t find the old rate thread, don\'t want to search it, deal with it. Rules should be clear, right?
  2. I don\'t get what the batteries and panels are good for on this craft. Maybe add the YE engine behind the cockpit, could be useful sometimes. And I think it has style. Longer legs and it whould be the perfect aircrane ;D
  3. Seriously. You made the railguns. You\'ll be able to configure the MuMech engine without re-compiling the code.
  4. I think it is generally bad design if you can\'t fix it. I just start over if I run into something like this.
  5. One thing. I compared your source code with the MuMech one, and it is almost exactly the same, there is nothing in MuMechLib that makes this plugin necessary for the engine to work, so why did you make it? Also, you don\'t have your classes public, which is very bad coding style. (No offense taken, of course)
  6. I think that you can alreadya see what goes wrong, if you need more/less struts, winglets, SAS, engines, fuel tanks, parachutes, RCS thrusters... that\'s all visible at a normal failure. I also don\'t think that purely graphical improvements will be added soon, especially if they make it just more complicated. Oh, and welcome to the forums!
  7. Munolith, because Nova found the first one on the Mun. But if Harv says monolith then it is monolith.
  8. Name contains no underscore, only title, which is allowed. Load the game and look at the console errors is better than remodelling and doing the same mistake again ???
  9. Star destroyer engine whould be far to big, even if you take a Victory or even Acclamator-class, you whouldn\'t end below 20m engines ;D. More the ones from CR-90 corvettes or starfighters (Maybe even a TIE parts pack?).
  10. I\'Ve read that someone lost a lot of parts and aborted the mission then. Later, he crashed in the debris field multiple times when returning from the Mun, causing more parts to fall away and making the cloud grow. He also said that the Periapsis of the cloud is above the KSC, and that he can\'t launch through the cloud.
  11. You can now choose between all computer parts from 1256 to 1984... I wish for Radion to know that I\'m not disowned by the Mirialans
  12. Because the most performance problems appear during launch.
  13. Looks nice. I\'m going to complete the new concept and post it here, but not now. This can take some hours or days \'cause po schoolwork.
  14. No, data will only collected by active vessels (don\'t know if active means piloted or 2.5km range). I\'ve written this post at least five times now...
  15. Rule 60: If you don\'t want to die, end the flight.
  16. One thing, in the overview it says that my plugin has 44 downloads, in the stats it says 400 and on my profile 290.
  17. http://xenolith.ws/?page=mod&id=70 My plugin, could be useful for you.
  18. No ti won\'t work. You also have to change MuMechVariableTank to the default FuelTank type. ANd you have to change fuelType for the engines to 'liquid' to make them drain normal fuel. Or to 'rcs'. Or 'apple juice', but then you whould have to change the tanks too ;P (this only works with engines, not tanks).
  19. Of course, but aren\'t there enough different engines in Down Under and Nova(Slug)Punch? I really think about writing a program that compares all the engines and prints that to a text file... However it could be difficult if the program searches for .5m engines and the part description says 'BETTER THAN ALL .5m ENGINES HAHA PWN' ???
  20. Anti-country missile silo integrated in my hill. My hill, your debris.
  21. That\'s not a bug, they have been modified to only work with the engines they could power in reality. I didn\'t use Kosmos for a long time (15 minutes, game crashed yesterday ;P) but I think some of the engines also run on RCS. And they are for space stations, not lift off. If you want Kosmos-style launch vehicles, try their Angara parts.
  22. Pod SAS is not that strong compared to a SAS module and it lacks the I in PID, whatever that means, search the wiki for SAS ;P
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