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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. Yes, but the rocket should be able tu fly . However, the rendezvous part of MJ is new, and I had no chance to try it out for now. (I think it is not really for meeting up but can be used. You can also configure the ascent autopilot to launch exactly when you whould meet the other ship in space)
  2. Most complicated but also most easy-to-use plugin ever. LINK. It\'s (not only) an autopilot that can do almost everything for you.
  3. Great ;D But one of the struts ends in vacuum...
  4. For those who don\'t: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10857.0
  5. For those who think that this is to hard: MechJeb 1.8 can do that ;P
  6. Demo users don\'t have trees. In full version, you must enable \'terrain scatters\' or something like that.
  7. A god that crates grass like that can\'t be anything else than a bacteria. NOOO WHY DID YOU SEND GOD INTO SPACE??? Lol ;D
  8. There already are asteroids as a plugin, they even have gravity...
  9. Documentation for the MuMech variable stuff in here, the rotating stuff is not yet documented, if you can read code you can look in it and the Damned Robotics .cfg, maybe that helps. If you want to have non-rotating VTOL, you can just make a normal engine where you add a VTOL part to and toggle them separately in the engine control. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8560.0
  10. You mean making the classes public? He did that in the new version 1.8!
  11. I don\'t know the right configuration for a good explosion but if someone knows, reconfigurate the part in the frame it reaches MaxTemp so it will blow up in the next one...
  12. Welcome to the forums! Mun landing after three days is very good, I only crashed into it once after ~1 month of playing and went out of fuel today before I left athmosphere \'cause I messed with the staging...
  13. Once activated, the chute should drag until you are near to the ground, then fully deploy (at around 500m above ground). Damn post while typing, but I am sure that it is 500m \'Cause I looked it up in the part.cfg
  14. Use MechJeb for it. You can either have separate toggleable engines or rotating ones.
  15. Turn the pod to Kerbin and try a decoupler cannon shot ;P
  16. Last one I flew was F-18 and V-22 on carriers (althrough the F-18s never got the landings, I really spent half a day flying a F-18 around a carrier and after 5-7 wave-offs I was out of fuel and crashed)
  17. Around \'95, it was not unusual that soldiers stole cows in Sibiria. So some Russian soldiers wanted to steal cows and they did. To get them away, they used a cargo plane. In the plane, the cows where scared and they even destabilized the plane. The soldiers had to throw the cows out of the cargo bay door to prevent a crash. One of the cows hit a Japanese fisher boat and SUNK IT! The crew of the boat was recovered but accused \'cause nobody believed that the boat was destroyed by a falling cow. And the best: To set them free, Russia validated that this really happened! (Later, a German politician used this as an example for the Russian flight control being unreliable)
  18. If rockets are to hard for you, just place some RCS tanks and a lot of Down Under thrusters on them. Safe for children ;P (warranty void if used without parachute)
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