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Posts posted by chaos113

  1. On 2/19/2023 at 10:23 AM, x170doom said:

    is anyone else having an issue with the APAS parts from the shared assets folder not loading or is it just me?


    found some errors in the log, no idea what could cause them though. namely

    [LOG 18:05:50.838] [Filter Extensions]: B10.APASv2 duplicated part key in part path dictionary


    [ERR 18:19:49.354] Janitor's Closet: Part already loaded: B10.APASv2


    edit: so apparently they dont show up if i filter out 000_texturesunlimited. odd

    Did you check in the habtech part tab

  2. 9 minutes ago, Blufor878 said:

    -Knes is good for ESA parts.
    -SPOCK is kinda sorta an offshoot of SOCK but provides parts to make the Pathfinder from For All Mankind Season 2.
    -@DylanSemrau makes good stuff, most notably Photon Corp, which provides shuttle style SRB's.
    -MK33 from @Angel-125 is also good, which provides Venturestar parts. @Angel-125's stuff is good in general, though some of the older stuff may seem out of place (I still love them personally).
    -I also like @Damon's Tundra Exploration, but again, it may not be for everyone depending on what you define as "stockalike."
    -If you're into spaceplane stuff, I'd also look at OPT Spaceplane, but get both Legacy and Continued if decide to use it. Also it was never really completed, so prepare for some minor strangeness.
    -If you want some extra flavor I'd also recommend Conformal Decals, Modular Launch Pads, and IVA mods like MOARdV's Avionics Systems, RasterPropMonitor, and Reviva (which provides options to switch to different IVA's for the same craft).
    (should not there seems to be a minor conflict between MOARdV's Avionics and Raster, but it's a relatively easy fix).

    -Some up and coming ones I'd also check out are @josselin2196's New Generation ESA Rocket mod (Ariane 6 and some other goodies) and @chaos113's Kats (old shuttle 

    Ive got good news on kats, dc3 is now back on track meaning 2 shuttles are currently in active dev

    Also sound of thunder baikal spacecraft is possible ive got a friend making a rough model of it

  3. 1 hour ago, benjee10 said:

    There's no dedicated part for the drag chute, but you can use the stock radial drogue. It attaches in the dip at the base of the vertical stabiliser. 

    The brakes should work unless you have a mod conflict or something like that. You can adjust the brake strength in the right click menu to tweak to your liking. 

    The pathfinder: s.p.o.c.k. has a shuttle drag chute for pathfinder and shuttle 

  4. On 6/3/2021 at 5:43 PM, Beccab said:

    November 16, 2009
    First Operational Shuttle II flight (Fictional)

    Carrying the commercial Bigelow-1 touristic station, the mission was a complete success, preparing the station for the B-1 mission that will carry the first tourists to the inflated module.

    Hey beccab, would you recreate this mission with the upcoming kats shuttle 2 which would have the benefit of not being a kitbash

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