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Status Updates posted by AtomicTech

  1. Huh, I did not know that Beaker liked octopus.

    1. adsii1970


      Oh, trust me. He will eat nearly anything once!


  2. I'm off for the weekend! See y'all monday!

  3. Isn't it funny when you forget ModuleManager?

  4. Well folks,

    Summer vacation is upon me and I don't have as much time as I'd like to dedicate to the forums. Don't worry, I'll continue the development of FOSK and Restock Waterfall Expansion. However, I'll be back to "regular" AtomicTech Inc. brand hours in September.

    See y'all there :)

  5. I just saw your latest video; I thought it was pretty neat!

    I just have one question; where did you source your music from? It's stuck in my head! :D


    Support the movement to get the KSP source code released to the community!

  7. Man, I'd love nothing more than to eat my own words when it comes to KSP 2.

  8. Man, more than three years here on the forums...

    What a place :)

  9. It's nice to do a bit more KSP modding.

    Man, I really hope modding KSP 2 is just like the original where anyone with a notepad editor could make something cool :)

  10. Still playing 1.2.1?

    1. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      Nope, finally updated to 1.11, found 1.12 a little janky and started to loose access to my saves.

    2. Dr. Kerbal
  11. Glad to have you back!

    1. Heretic391


      Glad to be back, thanks AtomicTech :happy:

  12. A theory here folks, 

    HarvesteR's account status changed recently as it used to say that he'd last visited in 2016.

    So perhaps he's back lurking?

    Wouldn't that be awesome! :o

  13. Howdy and welcome back!

  14. Love your videos :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AtomicTech


      Watching it right now!

      Looks awesome!

    3. AtomicTech


      Have you tried using Restock in a video?

    4. Andrew the Astronaut

      Andrew the Astronaut

      I am currently working a restock series so expect that by Monday! :D

  15. Ah, it does feel good to be back!

  16. Had to shut down my GitHub account last night due to personal reasons.

    Thanks for understanding :)

    1. Jacke


      Whoa.  I'm confused.

  17. Me: Makes high quality pull requests to a GitHub repo.

    Repo Owner: Denies all of them.

    Me: *angery noises*

  18. MODULE
        name = ModuleWaterfallFX
        moduleID = reliantEngine
            name = atmosphereDepth
            linkedTo = atmosphere_density
            name = throttle
            linkedTo = throttle
            engineID = basicEngine
            responseRateUp = 0.0299999993
            responseRateDown = 0.200000003
            templateName = waterfall-kerolox-lower-1-SWE
            overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
            scale = 1.89999998,1.89999998,1.89999998
            rotation = 0,0,0
            position = 0,0,2.3499999
            templateName = stock-kerolox-core
            overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
            scale = 1.54999995,1.54999995,1.10000002
            rotation = 0,0,0
            position = 0,0,0.584999979

    1. Piatzin


      Hm...yes, I know what this means.

  19. MODULE
        name = ModuleWaterfallFX
        moduleID = dawnEngine
            name = atmosphereDepth
            linkedTo = atmosphere_density
            name = throttle
            linkedTo = throttle
            engineID = Ion
            responseRateUp = 0.0250000004
            responseRateDown = 0.100000001
            templateName = stock-xenon-ion
            overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
            scale = 2.5,2.5,2.5
            rotation = 0,0,0
            position = 0,0,-0.5

    1. AtomicTech


          name = ModuleWaterfallFX
          moduleID = dawnEngine
              name = atmosphereDepth
              linkedTo = atmosphere_density
              name = throttle
              linkedTo = throttle
              engineID = Ion
              responseRateUp = 0.0250000004
              responseRateDown = 0.100000001
              templateName = stock-xenon-ion
              overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
              scale = 2.5,2.5,2.5
              rotation = 0,0,0
              position = 0,0,-0.600000024

  20. Do you have a thread for the Falcon?

  21. I'm off for the weekend!

  22. Well, it's that time of week again...

    See y'all in the next one!

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