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Everything posted by AtomicTech

  1. I have an older i5 core and 12 GBs of RAM with Steam and a similar thing tends to happens to me with larger ships. It's part of the nature of KSP in that it tends to run really slow when you have super big part count ships. In fact, the Space Station in my signature (RIP Save File) gave me really bad FPS when I partially took it apart and reassembled it but it was really fun to do. I think I was getting like 10 FPS with this being the only thing in Physics range.
  2. Good Luck with Space Race Series!

  3. If only I was a master kerb-gamer... Welp! That ain't stopping me from challenging others!
  4. Hello Kerbonauts, this is The Guardian Squid Expeditions Finance Department! We've recently been "gifted" a duo of KeR-7 Launchers and a Koyuz MK-II connected to a third KeR-7. We need to quickly get these off of our hands and into space! We're tasking you with building an interplanetary spacecraft with a lander. You'll launch the Koyuz first and put it into LKO then launching two other payloads and rendevouz with them in orbit above the KSC to hide it from our competitors at the Woomerang Space Center who got two Munollo launchers. The payloads you'll need to build are a Reuseable Lander of any kind of fuel (No Kraken-Powers) and a Ferry Stage using any kind of fuel (Still no Kraken-Powers). You'll get to take your new craft as far as you like! The Craft: A Soyuz and R-7 Replica mated together for the challenge is available in my Steam Workshop at this link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2481446423. Rules: -Both DLC's are required to participate. -No Fuel Tank Part Clipping without taking a corresponding amount of Fuel and/or Oxidizer, Xenon, and Monopropellant. -You can however clip fuel tanks through the base of the Fairing (The part that you don't build). -No Engine Clipping unless it follows the rules regarding the Fuel tank clipping. -All of the Kerbals must return home to Kerbin. -Minimum Two Kerbals, Maximum Three. -The Koyuz can't be edited outside of the stated rules. -The Koyuz's Parachutes can be changed. -You can change the levels of ablator, monoprop, and Fuel in the Koyuz. -You can mess with the SRB throttle and fuel levels in the Koyuz descent module. -You'll modify the KeR-7 by removing the Koyuz and adding your payload. -You can remove the parachutes on your two KeR-7s. -You can only extend the faring by ONE meter either in radius or height. -You can't refuel your craft outside of the fuel and resources you bring in the three rockets you launch. -ISRU is allowed but must be mentioned in your submission. -You can leave debris in orbit but do mention it in your submission and how much. -You can remove the Launch Escape System on the Koyuz and your KeR-7s. -Feel free to use any number of gravity assists and waiting however long to go from place to place. -Badges will be custom made upon request after completing objectives. -Reference the Allowed Mods Section for later. Have a Question? Feel free to ask! Mods: -No parts mods, MechJeb is Okay. -AmpYear and it's Reserve Batteries are allowed. -Keep the Game mostly Stock (Physics and layout, but not Graphics) Objectives: (You don't have to reach/meet all of these!) -Start the Challenge! -Visit Moho (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Eve (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Gilly (Orbit and/or Land) -Re-Enter Kerbin -Visit the Mun (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Minmus (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Duna (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Ike (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Dres (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Jool('s Upper Atmosphere) -Visit Laythe (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Vall (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Tylo (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Pol (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Bop (Orbit and/or Land) -Visit Eeloo (Orbit and/or Land) -Capture and Asteroid and Enter it into the Orbit of a Planet or Moon. -Use a Nuclear Transfer Module. -Use an Ion Transfer Module. -Use a Lqd+Ox Transfer Module. -Use a Nuclear Lander. -Use an Ion Lander. -Use a Lqd+Ox Lander. How do I Prove my Work? -Post a Video/Timelapse of your Missions! -Make an album with an image of each objective completed and another image showing the cheats debug menu showing. -The Album must include the crafts in the VAB, on the Launchpad, and all the other locations you've visited with the resources menu showing. (You can also post an additional image without the resource menu) Your Starting Badge! As a Reward for Participating, You'll get this badge! (Note: Feel Free to Resize it) Minor Advice from our R&D Division: -Little cheat for those of you who want to use the Dawn engine. The Koyuz actually has a small container of Xenon onboard that's empty that's only there for visual aspects. If you want to, fill 'er up! -If you need some design ideas, look for minimalist missions on YouTube. There are some really good ones! -You don't need a lander but it would count towards the ranking of your mission. -Maybe as a Transfer/Service Module you could use the upper stage of the KeR-7 with a larger fuel tank and some docking adaptors. -You could also use the upper stage as a lander. -Bonus points for always being connected to the KSC through direct connection. Leaderboard for the most Bodies with Gravity visited: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Leaderboard for the Heaviest Asteroid Captured 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Leaderboard for the Cheapest but Furthest Reaching Craft: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Leaderboard for the Lighest but Furthest Reaching Craft: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Leaderboard for the most Creative Craft: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
  5. def directiveClassfied('Kerbal Space Program 2, KSP 2, KSPStar, Release Date, Nate Simpson') { monitorTrack("https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/") console.log(monitorTrack) } *tracking mode active*
  6. I've installed a few parts mods to KSP and their parts don't show up (It's the Steam Version btw). KSP claims that there is no model to clone from. Oddly enough, MechJeb 2's parts show up. Doesn anyone know how to fix or solve this? Note: I don't have CKAN and don't plan to get it.
  7. I've recently had this problem in EVA mode with Kerbals in which the Kerbal doesn't face opposite to the camera any more. Did I just hit a random button and am paying for my lack of knowledge? (Note: I do have mods but no parts outside of MJ2 that I never use. My game is basically stock.) Mods: -MechJeb 2 -KER -And Some other Mods that I can't remember because they don't freaking work even though I have the latest versions. I probably need to take them out of all those nasty folders and into just the base one
  8. Finally got a signature!

    1. AtomicTech


      Oh wait, it don't show up, dang it

  9. I'll give them names: No. 1): John No. 2): Sam No. 3): Earl
  10. Well, let's ask the developers. Anyone wanna ping them?
  11. Whoa, he hasn't been here in forever! I honestly do hope that he still follows Kerbal Space Program.

    1. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      Me too. Maybe he is reading this. 

    2. Singhnaut


      I hope so, I know my account was made recently but I still looked at the forums and this guy is the man.

    3. Singhnaut


      Wait, he can't be. It says he last visited in 2016:(

  12. I was watching youtube yesterday when I found this link: https://colab.research.google.com/github/tg-bomze/Face-Depixelizer/blob/master/Face_Depixelizer_Eng.ipynb#scrollTo=fU0aGtD4Nl4W. It uses AI to depixelize images of human faces. However, we can use this AI in ways it wasn't intended as we can give it images to make human faces from. I'll share my results as I hope you will too! Huh, that's odd. It's rather hard to upload images.
  13. That would be awesome but I don't think they're going to give out the game out for free. Maybe they might do something you can play it for 3 hours free then need to purchase it but only on the first day. That might be the closest we get to a demo.
  14. Well, there's nothing against using Propellors in the rules!
  15. I currently have Legacy Parts, MechJeb2, AmpYear, and Kerbal Engineer Redux and running it all on KSP 1.11.2. (No CKAN)
  16. Woah, how and why are you still playing 1.2?
  17. To give y'all more specs, before I made this post the spacecraft shuttles were a Onion Command Pod with a PB-X750 Xenon Container, 80 units of monoprop, 4 Z-400 Rechargeable Batteries, 4 Dawn Thrusters, and two large solar panels. It has a small docking port, an Advanced Inline Stabilizer, and 4 RV-105 RCS Thruster Blocks.
  18. I'm currently planning two space stations with one around Duna and the other around Ike. I'm also planning to make shuttles like the title suggests. I'm torn between using either Ion or Liquid Fuel/Oxidizer propulsion for the four shuttle craft. Can I please get some pros and cons about engine types or something else entirely. (I do not use modded parts save for reserve electricity from AmpYear.)
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