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Everything posted by AtomicTech

  1. Ha! They ain't even tangentially related in my book! And o'course it got scrubbed
  2. It's easy to sign a petition? I'm not in support of this; I'm pointing out that there's enough angry people to sign a petition and join in someone's legal challenge if they didn't have to do much of anything.
  3. Have you seen all of the outraged people here, on Reddit, and on Discord?
  4. Man, it feels just like yesterday that all of the KSP goodbye videos came out!
  5. No, we've screwed with the UI a bunch of times. And, I love KSP's UI and probably more than KSP 2 but that's just my opinion.
  6. I'd say "don't but it, avoid it like fire" because it's just a meh game and your money is much better spent on KSP and others.
  7. Granted, we're all trilobites. I wish KSP 2 wasn't crap.
  8. I just didn't like the extent of procedural parts; I'd rather have procedural tanks and structural parts, not engines and pods
  9. Meh, ShadowDev failed to finish most projects, tried to force his own (often arbitrary) standards and techniques without consulting the tons of folks trying to come up with a community standard in the early days of KSP 2 modding, and his code wasn't often up to par. Had he finished projects and collaborated with the community (and the more experienced devs), then I would've had a completely different take. We've already had the mass modding exodus for KSP.
  10. Yes, we were promised N-body physics but limited to the planetary scale. Y'all both missed the forum rules that we DO NOT attack each other.
  11. I'm starting to agree, with everything that's transpired this week. Before KSP 2 began to really materialize and before we heard about the release, we were having a KSP 2 modding renaissance. Things were good.
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